You’ve Had a Birthday Flip Chart & Lyrics

This birthday rounds song is one I’ve avoided doing (at least as a round) but I’ve decided it’s time to start!

The kids really love singing rounds, once they get the feel and flow for them, so with a little practice I know they’re going to really enjoy the twist on singing You’ve Had a Birthday! Grab a copy of our flip chart to help you lead the rounds.

You've Had a Birthday printable song Flip Chart for Singing time for primary choristers / music leaders. #LDS #Primary #MusicLeaders #PrimaryChorister #Chorister #ImaMormon #SingingTime

You’ve Had a Birthday Flip Chart

For this song, I recommend dividing the primary in half. Start with a traditional split down the middle while you’re learning to do rounds. Eventually, you can have them split by gender, age (evens/odds), or favorite things (give them two options).

One side will start right away singing the purple verse while the other half of the room waits to start all the way until the first group sings through and moves onto the green part of the song.

As soon as they reach the green line, the 2nd group starts up at the top and sings all the way through to the end of the song.

You've Had a Birthday printable song Flip Chart for Singing time for primary choristers / music leaders. #LDS #Primary #MusicLeaders #PrimaryChorister #Chorister #ImaMormon #SingingTime

Get more helps and printables over in our Flip Chart list. Plus, you’ll love this post on how I use flip charts to help you with your singing time organization and to get the most out of your flip charts!

You’ve Had a Birthday Lyrics

This song is published in the Children’s Songbook Page #285
You can find You’ve Had a Birthday sheet music here.


You’ve had a birthday; shout “Hooray!”
We want to sing to you today.
One year older and wiser, too,
Happy birthday to you.

You’ve Had a Birthday
Singing Time Flip Chart Printable

This You’ve Had a Birthday printable flip chart is just a single page – with an emphasis on dividing the parts by color to help visually guide the Primary when to join in. There is a 4-parts version as well, if you’re brave enough to give it a shot or if you have a really large Primary.

You've Had a Birthday Flip Chart & Lyrics Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders Youve Had a Birthday Flip Chart 3

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You've Had a Birthday Flip Chart & Lyrics Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders PS Plus Unlock Banner

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Have any feedback about my You’ve Had a Birthday flip chart? Let me know in the comments!

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