Gethsemane Lyrics Unscramble

Teach this beautiful song with this Gethsemane Lyrics Unscramble singing time idea!

One of my Primary kids very favorite lesson plans we’ve done in the 2.5 years I have been in this calling was this envelope game we did for If the Savior Stood Beside Me. They were completely enthralled and engaged and it helped them learn that somewhat difficult song with ease!

It wasn’t something I thought they’d be eagerly engaged with, but for some reason they loved it!

Inspired by that lesson plan, I’ll be doing a similar idea this month for Gethsemane! I’ll use small groups and envelopes to do a lyrics unscramble challenge!

Head here to see 25 Gethsemane Singing Time Ideas for more wonderful ways to teach this song!

How to teach Gethsemane Lyrics Unscramble singing time ideas for LDS Primary music leaders printable song helps and lesson plans

Gethsemane Lyrics Unscramble Challenge


– Print copies for however many small groups you plan to use. I recommend 4-5 small groups, but you may need more if you have lots of kids in your Primary.

– Use a paper cutter (or scissors) to cut into word strips. You can group 2-3 lines if you want an easier challenge.

– Put all the lyrics strips into an envelope, out of order.

How to teach Gethsemane singing time ideas Lyrics Unscramble for LDS Primary music leaders printable song helps and lesson plans

How to Play:

– Sing through Gethsemane once all together. Tell them to pay close attention, because they’re going to be put to a challenge, next!

– Have the children form small groups. This can be done by class, by row, or by any other means.

– Sing through the song and challenge the children to put the song in order as you sing along.

– See how far the children got. Have the children sing aloud with you however far they’ve matched, then continue unscrambling the song as you sing through it again.

– After 2-3 times through the song, you may be ready to transition to the extension activity!

Teaching Gethsemane singing time ideas Lyrics Unscramble for LDS Primary music leaders printable song helps and lesson plans

Extension/Alternate Ideas:

– Have the children flip upside 2-4 word strips. You might decide how many depending on how big you made them (1 line or 2-3 lines per strip) and how much time you have available. Sing through the song again, and have the kids sing only the upside-down strips, or alternatively only the face up strips. Continue eliminating word strips!

Gethsemane singing time ideas Lyrics Unscramble for LDS Primary music leaders printable song helps and lesson plans

– Have each group work on only one of the colored sections. They’ll also sing only their colored section of the song. Then, have them rotate to a new colored block of lyrics to unscramble and sing their section!

– Set-up the different colored word strips around the room. Have each small group assigned a color. The first time through, have them hunt for their word strips one at a time.

Once they’ve found one of their colored word strips, the 1st child will sit down, and the next child will hurry to look for one of the word strip in their color. The goal is to have all the Primary children back in their seats before the song is over. (Have 2-3 children at one time for large Primary).

Build an Ark lyrics Noah's ark puzzle printable lyrics unscramble singing time game including printable song helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders

Head over next to try this Build an Ark Lyrics Puzzle activity! It’s a fun twist on a lyrics unscramble where you piece the lyrics together like a puzzle creating Noah’s Ark.

Gethsemane Lyrics Unscramble Challenge
for Primary

Because this song is so long, I plan to use the unscramble challenge in stations. All of the word strips at once might be a little overwhelming for a group. If your group LOVES this song, and knows it really well already, they can probably handle the full challenge.

We’ll have colored stations and take turns rotating through four colored stations (skipping the orange chorus line that they already have easily mastered!)

I’ll let each group take turns unscrambling each of the 4 sections of the song as we sing through the song. I plan to sing the song once all together, then give them :30-:60 seconds to unscramble (with just the piano playing). I’ll walk around during that time to see if any of the groups are struggling and need help.

Gethsemane Lyrics Unscramble singing time ideas for LDS Primary music leaders printable song helps and lesson plans

When they are all ready – I’ll have each group sing only the word strips for their color (plus everyone sing the 3-line chorus).

Then, they’ll rotate to a new color and we’ll start the challenge again!

If we have time for one more round, I have each group pick 3 lines from their color and we’ll put them up on the board and sing ONLY the lines up on the board as we sing all the way through the song together.

Printable Gethsemane Lyrics Unscramble Singing Time Activity

This printable Gethsemane Lyrics Unscramble includes the colored lyrics across 2-pages.

I’ve also created a bonus larger-size font printable with 1-page per color/section of lyrics! That’s included in March New Testament INSTANT Primary Singing membership.

Gethsemane Lyrics Unscramble singing time ideas for LDS Primary music leaders printable song helps and lesson plans

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Continue teaching this song with our Gethsemane What Comes Next printable singing time lesson plan!

Gethsemane What Comes Next singing time idea for LDS Primary music leaders including printable song helps to teach the song

How will you use this lyrics unscramble game? Do you have any other fun ideas to add to or extend this lesson plan?

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