Have you added ribbon wands to your primary toolkit yet? I love them! They are such a fun way to add movement to any primary song! Use this fun I’ll Walk With You Ribbon Wands living music singing time activity this month!
I’ve created this simple ribbon wands pattern with just 4 different actions to learn! Keep reading to learn how to use this ribbon wands pattern as you review I’ll Walk With You in primary!

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I’ll Walk With You Ribbon Wands
If ribbon wands are new to you, there are so many great types to choose from! If you have a larger primary, you may prefer this set of 40 colorful ribbon wands on Amazon. I also really enjoy this smaller set of 12 ribbon wands because they have handles! These ones are super easy to use because you can hold the handle or put it around your wrist!
If you’re feeling super crafty, you can even make your own set of ribbons wands with a few supplies! Head over to this DIY Ribbon Wands post to learn how to make a beautiful set of homemade ribbon wands!
For this fun activity, we’ll be using just 4 different ribbon wands actions! I’ve created a printable pattern sheet included later in this post to put on the board while you teach the pattern.
First, review I’ll Walk With You (lyrics here) at the beginning of primary. Then, demonstrate all 4 ribbon wands actions for the group. Pass out ribbon wands and invite the children to try the actions with you.
After they are comfortable with the actions, post the ribbon wands pattern on the board. Show them the order of the actions and when to repeat the pattern.
Sing or speak through the first three lines of the song while trying the first two actions. Repeat this pattern for the next 3 lines of the song.

Switch to the second page when you get to the line “I’ll walk with you, I’ll talk with you.” Wave your ribbon wand back and forth above your head, then create a heart shape when you sing “That’s how I’ll show my love for you.”
Add in the accompaniment! Try singing through the entire song using the ribbon wand pattern. Continue reviewing this song with the ribbon wands pattern. Collect the ribbon wands at the end of primary.

4 Ribbon Wands Actions:
For a basic breakdown of the pattern, you’ll do the first two actions, then repeat them. Once you have done those actions twice, do actions 3-4. Then, start over! You should only have to repeat the entire pattern twice for the full song.
1.UP & DOWN: For this pattern, bring your ribbon wand up high, then slowly bring it back down low. For a fun challenge, try switching hands throughout the song or using your non-dominant hand the entire time!
*Use this action for the first two phrases of the song. This action will be used each time you sing two phrases that start with “If you…” or “Jesus walked…”
2. CRISS CROSS: To make the criss cross with your ribbon wand, just start up high in one corner (I usually start on the right) and bring it low on the opposite side. Then, come back up and repeat in the other corner.
*You’ll use this action each time you sing, “I won’t” or “I will” in the song. Since it’s usually repeated twice, you can either do 2 fast criss cross shapes or one slow X.*
These two actions will be repeated before you move on to the next actions.

3. WAVE OVERHEAD: This action is pretty simple! For this action, just wave your ribbon wand from left to right above your head.
*Use this action whenever you sing, “I’ll walk with you. I’ll talk with you.”
4. HEART: Create a heart with your ribbon wand by starting in the center of the heart and moving outward and drawing it up to the center. Repeat the same for the oppositive side.
*Use this action whenever you sing, “That’s how I’ll show my love for you.”

Extension Activities:
- Add in some different actions for the second half of the song! Instead of using the “Up & Down” and “crisscross” actions, try two different actions! You can make a wiggle worm with your ribbon wand and point to yourself when you sing “I will, I will.”
- Make it a group activity! Divide the class into two groups. Have one group sing and do the actions for the first page and have the other group sing and do the actions for the second page. You can also split up the first half and second half of the song.
- Let the kids teach a new pattern! Have each group come up with their own pattern and teach it to the class!
- Use a variety of different ribbon wand actions! This set of ribbon wand action cards sure comes in handy for a last-minute activity!
For more ribbon wand action ideas, head over to this Mother Tell Me the Story Ribbon Wands activity!
I’ll Walk With You Ribbon Wands Video Demo
I created this short video demo to help you see this ribbon wands pattern in action! In this video, I’ll demonstrate all 4 of the actions separately, then show you how they fit into the entire song. Sing the song with me and try it out! Just click on the link below to get a better feel for the pattern.
–> I’ll Walk With You Ribbon Wands Video Demo <–
I’ll Walk With You Ribbon Wands Printable Pattern
This ribbon wands printable pattern will be a super helpful visual as you teach this pattern to your primary kids! The first page of this printable includes a key with all 4 of the actions in the song and how to make the shape.
The next two pages include a repeatable pattern for the entire song. Each page contains two actions. I recommend teaching each page one at a time with the repeats to help you see how they fit into the song.

Score a printable lesson plan and additional full page action cards included with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership when I’ll Walk with You is the featured song of the month!
Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!
Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
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For a spiritual connections idea, try this I’ll Walk With You Spiritual Video lesson!
Have you used ribbon wands in primary before? Which ones are you favorite?