On a Golden Springtime Coloring Pages

You’ll love this fun On a Golden Springtime Coloring Pages singing time activity to help you teach or review this song for Easter. It’s a great way to get in lots of singing repetition and focused attention as you color together or use one big poster to color as a Primary!

On a Golden Springtime (archives) is a wonderful song to teach as part of the Doctrine & Covenants Songs for Primary! It’s such a lovely fit for both Easter and teaching about Joseph Smith that it’s my pick to teach this year if you need to plan a song for the Primary children to sing for Easter.

On a Golden Springtime Coloring Pages fun singing time activity to color in the pictures to represent the verses of the song as you teach this lovely Easter song! It's also perfect to teach as part of the D&C Come Follow Me year. Lesson plan for LDS Primary music leaders and for families!

On a Golden Springtime Coloring Pages

Sing through On a Golden Springtime (flip chart here) once, before introducing this activity. You can focus on just a single verse or sing through all 3!

Show the children the coloring page you have for them today to coordinate with the verse you plan to sing through. You can print out one extra large size picture to have them color together up on the board or pass out smaller coloring pages for each child to color while you sing.

On a Golden Springtime Coloring Pages fun singing time activity to color in the pictures to represent the verses of the song as you teach this lovely Easter song! It's also perfect to teach as part of the D&C Come Follow Me year. Lesson plan for LDS Primary music leaders and for families!

Tell the children you want to work on coloring through the picture together. Can they follow along with your directions? First – let’s color in the main subject (Jesus). Ask a questions like what/who are we talking about in this verse? That’s right! Let’s color that in while we sing!

Next, there’s something special that’s the same between all 3 verses of this song. Do you know what it is? They all talk about light! Let’s color in the light around Jesus!

On a Golden Springtime Coloring Pages fun singing time activity to color in the pictures to represent the verses of the song as you teach this lovely Easter song! It's also perfect to teach as part of the D&C Come Follow Me year. Lesson plan for LDS Primary music leaders and for families!

Where do these events take place? (At the Tomb) You’re right! Can you color in the scene tomb?

Let’s finish off any last details, like the sky. What color sky will you choose? Finish off the final details of your coloring page.

Share a testimony of these special events are and what they mean to you.

Extension Activities:

  • Use the pre-colored or the kid colored in pictures to help you pick a verse to sing! Consider taping one of each picture to the bottom of 3 different bowls. Then, shuffle the bowls with the pictures hidden on the table. Invite a child to pick a bowl. Reveal the picture and sing that verse. This will give them a fun challenge to try to follow their favorite verse or to try to pick a different verse to sing! You can also simply hide the 3 cards around the room and invite a child to hunt for a card to pick which verse to sing next.
On a Golden Springtime Coloring Pages fun singing time activity to color in the pictures to represent the verses of the song as you teach this lovely Easter song! It's also perfect to teach as part of the D&C Come Follow Me year. Lesson plan for LDS Primary music leaders and for families!
  • To help with your crayon supply and encourage lots of singing repetition, hand out one crayon per child. Tell them you’ll switch crayons each time you sing, so they can focus on coloring the spots that best fit their crayon color. You might pick 4-5 colors that would work best for your scene to rotate through. Then, have the child pass their crayon down the row until they get a turn with each color.
  • Invite one class at a time to come up front and show off their finished picture while you sing through the song again! They can help lead as well.
  • Print out a poster size picture of an engineering print which are really inexpensive. Hang this large print on the board and color in the picture together with 2-3 helpers per time through the song!
Use this fun & simple Faith Primary Song Coloring Page to review this Come Follow Me New Testament primary song and learn how to build faith while coloring pictures for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

For another fun similar activity, head over to see this Faith Coloring Page singing time activity!

On a Golden Springtime Coloring Pages Printables

This free in-post printable includes a free coloring page for the 2nd verse, perfect to teach this song for Easter!

On a Golden Springtime Coloring Pages fun singing time activity to color in the pictures to represent the verses of the song as you teach this lovely Easter song! It's also perfect to teach as part of the D&C Come Follow Me year. Lesson plan for LDS Primary music leaders and for families!
On a Golden Springtime Coloring Pages Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders INSTANT Primary Singing Extended Printables

Join INSTANT Primary Singing for extended printables including a coloring page for all 3 verse in 1/4 page, 1/2 page, and full page size. Also available as colored graphics. You’ll find these bonus files included when On a Golden Springtime is the featured song of the month.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

You don’t want to miss our On a Golden Springtime flip chart! Head over to grab this resource to help you with teaching this song.

On a Golden Springtime Flip Chart visual aid helps for Singing Time for LDS Primary Music Leaders. Teach this Easter and D&C Come Follow Me song with this colorful flipchart with several printable lyrics song chart styles and options to choose from.

What other fun ways will you use this coloring page singing time activity in your Primary room?

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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