If you need an easy, low-prep singing time idea for this week, you will love this On a Golden Springtime Word Blanks activity! This representation of words (archives) is perfect for when you need a quick & simple idea for singing time!
I’ve included three different word puzzles with phrases from this D&C song. Fill in the missing letters and reveal the song phrase as you teach On a Golden Springtime (archives) in primary!

On a Golden Springtime Word Blanks
Have some fun in singing time with this simple word blanks activity! This idea comes from the classic game of ‘hangman’ you probably played in school! As you sing, solve for each missing letter in the puzzle to uncover a line from this song!
I’ve included three different word blank puzzles to choose from. Pick your favorite or challenge your primary children to solve all 3 puzzles before the end of singing time!

Before introducing this activity, start by singing through the first verse and chorus of On a Golden Springtime. Feel free to grab your copy of our On a Golden Springtime flip chart for this song if you haven’t already.
Then, print out a copy of our word blank posters or create your own puzzle on the board. If you are drawing your own, simply draw dash lines for each letter in the word. For multiple words or phrases, I like to use a slash (/) line to separate the words.
Can you help me solve this puzzle? Each line represents a letter in a word from our song! Choose 1-2 kids to call out a letter. If the letter is in the word, have them come up and write it in. Once you get to a letter that isn’t in the phrase, sing through the song again.
If you want this activity to move a little faster, give the children a few letters to start with. This will give them a good idea of what letters to ask for.

If the kids keep guessing letters that are in the puzzle, take a break to sing! Then, come back to the puzzle. Hmm, can you guess what the word is?
Continue adding letters to the puzzle until someone guesses the phrase or until all the letters have been revealed. If you have extra time, start a new puzzle or sing through the song one more time before closing.
3 Word Blank Puzzles:
I’ve included all 3 word blank puzzles below. Although they are not necessarily listed in an order from easy to hard, I do think the first puzzle is the easiest because it’s the shortest! The second puzzle may also be a bit easier than the last because it is also the title of the song.
_ / _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ ! = “O little seed”
_ _ / _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = “On a golden springtime”
_ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ ! = “Push upward to the light!”

Extension Activities:
- Split the class into three groups, one for each word blank puzzle. Give each teacher the answer to the puzzle and have the kids work together to solve it!
- Choose a fun action to pair with each phrase. Once you have solved the puzzle and revealed the phrase, sing through the song and move around when you get to your special line! Here are some examples of actions you might choose: “O little seed” = jumping jacks, “On a golden springtime” = step from side to side, “Push upward to the light,” = flex your muscles or punch the air
- For Junior primary children, give picture clues for each puzzle! Simple drawings of seeds, flowers, sunshine, and arrows might help them figure out the puzzle if they are having trouble!
- Use this activity as a fun way to introduce the song! Solve the puzzle with the song title first to tell the kids which song you’ll be learning. Then, solve the other two puzzles as you teach the lyrics!
- If you are teaching additional verses, create a word blank puzzle specific to each verse! (“May live again – Verse 2” and “Knelt and prayed” – Verse 3)
For another fun similar activity, head over to see this Dare to Do Right Hangman Blanks singing time activity!
On a Golden Springtime Word Blanks Printable Song Helps
This free in-post printable includes 3 black and white word blank puzzles with phrases from the first verse and chorus of this song.

Join INSTANT Primary Singing for extended printables including additional word blanks for the other verse. You’ll find these bonus files included in the On a Golden Springtime packet in my shop and in the INSTANT D&C Access membership as a bonus song.
Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!
Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.
For a fun way to focus on the rhythm of this song, check out this On a Golden Springtime Rhythm Sticks idea next!
What other fun ways will you use this word blanks singing time activity in your Primary room?