Did You Think To Pray Jingle Bells

I’m excited to teach Did You Think to Pray in singing time this year! This song is on the 2023 Song List for Come Follow Me for the month of March. This song is a great way to teach the doctrine of prayer and the blessings that come from meaningful communication with Heavenly Father.

Dust off your jingle bells for this fun Did You Think to Pray Jingle Bells living music primary activity! Use this simple jingle bells pattern with just 3 different actions to add some extra fun to singing time!

See all of my Did You Think to Pray Singing Time Ideas here!

Use this fun Did You Think To Pray Jingle Bells living music activity with 3 different jingle bell actions for LDS Primary Music Leaders teaching this Come Follow Me New Testament song.

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Did You Think To Pray Jingle Bells

At the beginning of primary, review the lyrics to Did You Think to Pray using our flipchart!

Then, pass out jingle bells to each teacher and have the bells to each child in their class. If you are looking for a great set of jingle bells, this set of 24 bells on Amazon is great for primary!

If you don’t want to order jingle bells, you can make your own! We have a full post dedicated to making your own jingle bells! Click here to learn how to make jingle bell bracelets for singing time!

Teach the children the 3 different actions in the jingle bell pattern. Have the kids try out each action with you before adding the music.

Use this fun Did You Think To Pray Jingle Bells living music activity with 3 different jingle bell actions for LDS Primary Music Leaders teaching this Come Follow Me New Testament song.

Give the kids an example of a “long note” and “short note” by singing the first line. While you sing, “Ere,” shake your jingle bells continuously. Then, do a short shake with your bells while singing, “you left your room this.” Return to the long shaking pattern for “Mor-ning.”

Then, have the kids try the jingle bell pattern slowly while singing the verse. You may want to try the verse more than once so that the children feel comfortable knowing when to use the long shake pattern. Try the chorus when you’re ready!

Continue reviewing the song while using the jingle bells pattern!

Use this fun Did You Think To Pray Jingle Bells living music activity with 3 different jingle bell actions for LDS Primary Music Leaders teaching this Come Follow Me New Testament song.

Did You Think To Pray Jingle Bells Demo Video

Glance over this short demo video as you prepare for this jingle bells activity! I’m all about helping music leaders find simple, engaging ways to teach primary songs!

In this video, I explain each of the 3 actions in the jingle bells pattern for this song. I also run through the entire first verse and chorus with the pattern! This is a great way to review how it goes before singing time!

–> Did You Think to Pray Jingle Bells Demo Video <–

Jingle Bells Actions:

Use these 3 simple jingle bells actions as you review this song! The printable included later in this post outlines each action, as well as which actions correspond with the lyrics.

SHORT SHAKE: For this action, shake your jingle bells one time. Hold the jingle bell so that you can stop the sound after one shake. In the printable later in this post, I’ve marked all words that use a short shake with the color blue.

Some examples of phrase to use the short shake for are “you left your room this” and “the name of Christ our”

Use this fun Did You Think To Pray Jingle Bells living music activity with 3 different jingle bell actions for LDS Primary Music Leaders teaching this Come Follow Me New Testament song.

LONG SHAKE: For the long shake, shake the jingle bells quickly multiple times. This action will be used for all words that are held out longer than a quarter note. Shake your jingle bells for the entire duration of the word.

Use the long shake for words like “morning,” “shield today,” and “Ere.”

SWOOP FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: The “swooping” action is a little different than the other two. For this action, start with your jingle bells on your left side. Slowly bring your jingle bells to your right side while allowing the bells to ring out.

Use this action for the entire chorus! Sway your arms back and forth while shaking the bells slowly.

Use this fun Did You Think To Pray Jingle Bells living music activity with 3 different jingle bell actions for LDS Primary Music Leaders teaching this Come Follow Me New Testament song.

Extension Activities:

  • Try a new jingle bells pattern! Use each action for 3 lines. You can switch around the pattern any way you like! For example, you could do short shakes on the first 3 lines, swooping pattern for the next 3 lines, then use the long shake for the last 3 lines.
  • Instead of using the pattern, choose a signal word! Every time you sing “pray,” shake your jingle bells! You could also add in some additional signal words, such as “think.”
  • During the verse, shake your jingle bell once on every word. During the chorus, use only long shakes!
  • Have each class work together to create their own unique jingle bell pattern! Have each class perform their pattern and teach it to the group!
Did You Think To Pray Jingle Bells Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders choose the right jingle bells

For another fun primary idea with jingle bells, head over to this Choose the Right Jingle Bells activity!

Did You Think To Pray Jingle Bells Pattern Chart

Grab this Did You Think To Pray Jingle Bells Pattern Chart to help you prepare for this fun activity! In this printable, I outline 3 jingle bell actions and when to use them in the song.

Each jingle bell action correlates with a different color in the chart. I’ve written out the lyrics for the first verse, with each word highlighted the color that matches its action. Print out the pattern to help you teach the 3 actions in singing time!

Use this fun Did You Think To Pray Jingle Bells living music activity with 3 different jingle bell actions for LDS Primary Music Leaders teaching this Come Follow Me New Testament song.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

Head over to this Did You Think To Pray Picture Slides activity next!

Did You Think to Pray Picture Slides - Break down each verse to think about your prayers in this fun singing time idea for LDS Primary Music leaders with printable song helps! Teach this hymn with a visual way that helps represent the lyrics.

How did your primary children enjoy this jingle bells pattern? Was it too easy? Too challenging? We’d love to hear your feedback!

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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