22 The Iron Rod Singing Time Ideas

Dive into teaching this beloved hymn with these assortment of fun The Iron Rod Singing time ideas! There’s a bit of something for everyone in your Primary room with engaging activities that hit all of the different Primary learning styles.

The Iron Rod is recommended to be taught to your Primary children as part of the 2024 Book of Mormon Songs for Come Follow Me list this year. It’s part of the January recommended list of songs to teach.

Teach The Iron Rod with these fun and engaging Singing Time Ideas for LDS Primary Music Leaders - a fun assortment of activities and lesson plans.

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The Iron Rod Teaching Packet

Get everything you need to teach this song in one go-to packet! It includes all of the extended printables, a custom art flip chart, and 7 fun different ways to teach this song! It’s an all encompassing The Iron Rod teaching packet to make your time in singing time fast, easy, and fun!

You’ll find this The Iron Rod Singing Time Packet in my shop here. It’s also available in my Etsy store here, if you prefer that platform.

The Iron Rod singing time packet filled with fun ways to teach this hymn for LDS Primary music leaders including a custom art flip chart, paper plates, pipe chimes, song picture puzzle, first letters, mad gab, pass the iron rod and more.

The Iron Rod Flip Charts

The Iron Rod Flip Chart with custom art illustrations darling pictures with lyrics to help you teach this hymn in Primary! A great printable resource for LDS Primary Music Leaders for Singing Time or for home Come Follow Me study.

Make it easy and fun to teach this song using this The Iron Rod Flip Chart! There’s a variety of different flipchart styles to pick from including a colorful art flip chart with a variety of print options that will fit no matter what style you prefer plus various other styles including a slideshow and lyrics only options.

9 The Iron Rod Singing Time Ideas

This post will help you find all of my The Iron Rod teaching ideas around this blog. Plus, I’m also sharing additional favorite lesson plans from other Primary music leaders at the end of this post!

1. The Iron Rod – Pipe Chimes

The Iron Rod Pipe Chimes chart singing time idea! Head over to grab this printable chime charts to help teach the hymn The Iron Rod in your Primary room! Great tie in to the theme of the song with these metal pipe chimes as an engaging activity for your kiddos.

Bring in your pipe chimes for this fun activity that will chime along with the melody! Head over here to find The Iron Rod Pipe Chimes printable chart to help!

2. The Iron Rod – Movement Words

The Iron Rod Movement Words singing time idea for a fun and engaging way to add in movement and fun while teaching this song. A great teaching activity for LDS Primary music leaders with printable cards to help!

Get up and moving with this series of 4 different actions to complete as you sing through the song to add purposeful movement! You’ll find the set of The Iron Rod Movement Words over in this post including a full lesson plan and printable song helps.

3. The Iron Rod – First Letters

The Iron Rod First Letters singing time activity that's easy and fun way to learn and review the lyrics! Use the printable first letters chart to help teach this song for LDS Primary music leaders.

Can you pick out which verses is which with this fun The Iron Rod First Letters idea? It’s a great way to sing through the song on review as they have a first letter of each word to help remind them of what comes next.

4. The Iron Rod – Pass the Rod

The Iron Rod Pass the Iron Rod fun and engaging - plus so easy no-prep singing time idea! Just print this paper iron rod and play a game like hot potato as you pass the iron rod and when the music pauses, say or sing the next word of the song! A great teaching activity for LDS Primary music leader or lesson plan for families!

Play a game similar to hot potato with this clever The Iron Rod Pass the Rod game! You’ll get to sing through the song a bunch of different times while having everyone involved in your activity that doesn’t take away from singing!

5. The Iron Rod – Picture Puzzle

The Iron Rod Song Picture Puzzle a fun and interactive singing time activity to help teach this song for LDS Primary music leaders! Decode the picture as you find the match to the lyrics.

Use these song visuals to remind the children of the lyrics for the verse in this The Iron Rod Picture Puzzle activity! There is a variety of different ways to use these visuals to help you teach The Iron Rod to your Primary children.

6. The Iron Rod – Mad Gab

The Iron Rod Mad Gab fun singing time idea as you decode each line of the song and teach the lyrics one line at a time! Find these printable song helps for LDS Primary music leaders and families here.

Engage those logical thinkers in this fun The Iron Rod Mad Gab activity Can they read the silly phrase out loud and have the rest of the Primary identify the correct words of the song lyrics as you review or learn the song line by line?

7. The Iron Rod – Silent Video

The Iron Rod Silent Video - help your primary children understand the message of this song by sharing an inspirational video about Lehi's Vision of the Tree of Life for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

You’ll love this spiritual connection activity as you introduce an The Iron Rod Silent Video into your Primary. It’s a wonderful way to slow down the pace from an upbeat activity and help invite the Spirit to touch their hearts as you try something a little different.

8. The Iron Rod – Paper Plates

The Iron Rod Paper Plates - Try this fun living music singing time idea with a repeatable paper plates pattern with printable song helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Now, bring in a homemade instrument using paper plates and then follow along with this fun The Iron Rod Paper Plates Pattern! It’s flexible to fit however you’d best like to use it with the song lyrics as you have some fun moving and swishing your paper plates.

9. The Iron Rod Sing-Along Video

Help introduce this song for the first week or send home this sweet The Iron Rod Sing Along video to your Primary families to help review the song. You’ll sing along with a fun ukulele backdrop and the lyrics on the screen to help!

22 The Iron Rod singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders. Use this fun teaching activities for The Iron Rod hymn including a custom art flip chart, paper plates, pipe chimes, song picture puzzle, first letters, mad gab, pass the iron rod and more.

13 More Ways to Teach The Iron Rod

If you’re looking for even more inspiration, I’ve sourced some of my favorite ideas for other Primary Music Leaders to help you teach this song in fun and varied ways.

1. The Iron Rod – Hand Bells

The Iron Rod Hand Bells chart and play along video

My Primary children always love it when I bring hand bells in and Merry Bells makes it easy with their play along videos or printable bell charts. This song is included in Hymns Collection set of songs. Use the coupon code PrimarySinging to save 10%.

2. The Iron Rod – Paper Actions

This cute couple came up with a fun set of actions using a rolled up paper as your iron rod. Start the video at 3:46 to catch the paper actions and follow along!

3. The Iron Rod – Dance Scarves

Bring out your dance scarves and add in purposeful representation of the lyrics with this scarf pattern. It’s simple but fun!

dance scarves for music leaders

I use dance scarves all the time they’re SO much fun to bring into your Primary! Pick up a set of Dance Scarves from Amazon here. Plus, to help you easily come up with your own Dance Scarves movement patterns, head over to grab my Dance Scarves Movement Cards.

4. The Iron Rod – Rhythm Sticks Tapping

Here’s a fun way to use the rhythm and add in some movement, too. You can see the Pencil Rhythms video here. I much prefer full rhythm sticks to pencils, if you have the budget. They have a much better quality sound and feel and are easier to hold.

Big Arch Taps Rhythm Sticks Action Card

Rhythm sticks are a very versatile instrument to use in Primary and the boys especially love using them! You can pick up a set of rhythm sticks on Amazon here. To get even more use out of your set of rhythm sticks, I have this really cool set of printable Rhythm Sticks pattern cards to help you come up with varied sequences!

5. Sing a Story (Facebook Group)

6. Rhythm Sticks Rhythm (Facebook Group)

7. Clapping Pattern (Facebook Group)

8. Piano Accompaniment Sheet Music (Terri Hutchings Blog)

9. Hang from a Rod! (Facebook Group)

10. Melody Map (Facebook Group)

11. Rhythm and Sticks (Sharla Dance)

12. Hand Actions (YouTube)

13. Ribbon Wand Pattern (YouTube)

For more activities, see these Nephi’s Courage Singing Time ideas!

Teach Nephi's Courage with these fun and engaging Singing Time Ideas for LDS Primary Music Leaders - a fun assortment of activities and lesson plans.

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The Iron Rod singing time ideas fun ways to teach The Iron Rod hymn for LDS Primary music leaders including a custom art flip chart, paper plates, pipe chimes, song picture puzzle, first letters, mad gab, pass the iron rod and more.

What other fun The Iron Rod singing time ideas have you tried? We’d love to see your fun ideas! Share them in the comments to add to this list.

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