25 I Will Walk with Jesus Singing Time Ideas

Use these I Will Walk with Jesus Singing Time Ideas to help you teach this new beautiful song as part of your Old Testament Primary songs! It was first introduced last year as part of a Face to Face event that introduced the new Children & Youth program!

You can find the I Will Walk with Jesus sheet music here on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints website. If you just click on the image of the sheet music it will open up larger and will be easy to print! Since it was published on the church website, it is considered pre-approved for use in Primary even though it is not in the Children’s Songbook.

Today, I’ll be sharing with you tons of fun ways to teach I Will Walk with Jesus in Primary this year.

25 fun and engaging ways to teach I Will Walk with Jesus singing time ideas including a variety of printable song helps for LDS Primary music leaders. Use these fun engaging ways to teach with a letter sounds, unscramble lyrics, learn & teach task, walk the path, dance scarves and more!

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I Will Walk with Jesus Flip Charts

I Will Walk with Jesus Flip Chart singing time helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders

To help you get started teaching this new song, you may want to head over and grab our I Will Walk with Jesus Flip Chart!

I have 3 different style flip charts versions available including a fun and colorful one with condensed pages for less flipping, then a simple black and white flip chart and finally a slideshow option!

10 I Will Walk with Jesus Singing Time Ideas

We’ll get started first with direct links to all the singing time ideas here on my blog. I’ve shared tons of activities here on this website and you’ll be able to easily find each of those activities from this list below. Then, there are more fun ideas after that!

1. I Will Walk with Jesus – Music Videos

I Will Walk with Jesus music videos singing time ideas

A wonderful way to introduce a song for the first time is with a fun sing-along video! We’ve compiled a list of our favorite I Will Walk With Jesus Music Videos here! There are 4 awesome videos to choose from, it’ll be hard to pick.

2. I Will Walk with Jesus – Dropped the Pictures

I Will Walk with Jesus dropped pictures singing time ideas with printable flip chart images and mini booklet to sing along with!

Use this easy and fun I Will Walk with Jesus Dropped Pictures activity to help sing the words over and over again! It’s a great way to get a lot of kids involved holding up your flip chart and teaching the song!

3. I Will Walk with Jesus – What’s Next

I Will Walk with Jesus What's Next singing time review game with printable song helps for LDS Primary music leaders

Use this fun I Will Walk with Jesus What’s Next activity to challenge the kids to fill in what comes next! You can use words or graphics for Junior / Senior Primary to help fit your age group. Plus, there’s lots of fun alternative ways to use this activity in singing time.

4. I Will Walk with Jesus – Dance Scarves

I Will Walk with Jesus Dance scarves pattern singing time ideas with printable song helps for LDS primary music leaders

A wonderful way to add in lots of movement with this scarf pattern and get those wiggles out while having a meaningful experience teaching this song. You’ll love our I Will Walk with Jesus Dance Scarves idea! It’s easy to follow along with or adapt it for an increased challenge!

5. I Will Walk with Jesus – Walk the Path

I Will Walk with Jesus Walk the Path singing time ideas for LDS Primary music leaders with printable song helps

This walk the path idea is perfect way to teach the song! It helps the kids follow along on Jesus path with fun footprints all around the room. Have the kids add ways to walk the path Jesus Christ lead, or have them follow a path you’ve created!

Head over here to see all the ways to use this I Will Walk with Jesus Walk the Path singing time activity!

6. I Will Walk with Jesus – Unscramble the Words

I Will Walk with Jesus Unscramble the Words singing time ideas for LDS Primary music leaders

Your Primary kids will love the challenge in this I Will Walk with Jesus Unscramble the Words activity! Slip all the lyrics within an envelope and let them put them back in the correct order.

7. I Will Walk with Jesus – Letter Sounds

I Will Walk with Jesus Letter Sounds singing time ideas for LDS Primary music leaders with printable song helps

For a really unique and engaging way to teach this song, you’ll drill home the melody and help the kids make meaningful connections as they crack this I Will Walk with Jesus Letter Sounds code! Don’t worry about the lyrics, they will be singing them silently in their head!

8. I Will Walk with Jesus – Learn & Teach Task

I Will Walk with Jesus Learn & Teach singing time ideas for LDS Primary music leaders

Break your Primary children up into 2 or 4 small groups and have them learn their line of the song and then pick a fun way to teach it to the rest of the Primary! Includes a variety of fun and simple teaching ideas for the kids to use in this I Will Walk with Jesus Learn & Teach Task singing time idea.

9. I Will Walk with Jesus – Footprint Words

I Will Walk with Jesus footprint words singing time ideas

Have the kids help you fill in the missing words to this new Primary song with these fun visuals I Will Walk with Jesus Footprint Words! It’s a great way to help them study and repeat the words over and over, with lots of fun ways to extend the activity or mix it up! Includes all the lyrics for the first verse, second verse, and third verse on fun different color prints!

10. I Will Walk with Jesus – Just Lyrics

This cute trivia game was created by Karrie Hendrickson and she gave permission for me to share her file here in this post. It’s a clever game where you have the kids recall the lyrics from each verse to answer the quiz. Isn’t it so fun!

15 More Singing Time Ideas to Teach I Will Walk with Jesus

I’ve gathered a whole bunch of varied and fun ways to teach this song created by other Primary Music Leaders (Primary Chorister). I can’t wait to hear as well your own ideas and adaptions for how you taught this song!

1. I Will Walk with Jesus – Handbells

25 I Will Walk with Jesus Singing Time Ideas Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders I Will Walk With Jesus Harmony Version Multi Note ©Merry Bells2 1

Merry Bells has a completely free Handbell chart for I Will Walk with Jesus to introduce you to their really cool interactive videos! It’s like playing Beatsaber — with handbells! Your Junior Primary kids always especially love using the bells. You can download the Digital Video files or the printable Bell Chart with either single-note or multiple notes at the same time.

If you don’t have handbells yet, score 10% off any order with Merry Bells with the coupon code: PrimarySinging

2. I Will Walk with Jesus – Straws or Rhythm Sticks

For a fun hands on way to use actions while teaching I Will Walk with Jesus see how Just Johnstons Journeying demo using Straws actions! You could easily substitute straws for rhythm sticks or glowsticks!

Grab a set of 100 glowsticks and you’ll be able to use them for a few different singing time ideas this year!

3. I Will Walk With Jesus – Egg Shakers

You’ll love this simple but wonderful egg shaker pattern video to help teach this song.

Egg Shaker Rhythm Cards

Egg Shakers are the first instrument I always recommend to a new music leader. They’re super versatile and easy to use! Pickup a set of Egg Shakers on Amazon here. Plus, a perfect help to get you started using your egg shakers with the rhythm and in creative and fun ways, pickup the Egg Shaker Beat Rhythm Cards I created.

4. Melody Map Poster Boards (YouTube)

5. Using Pool Noodles to teach I Will Walk with Jesus (Teaching Primary Music)

6. Mini Printable Songbook (Facebook Group)

7. I Will Walk with Jesus Friend to Friend Sing-Along (YouTube)

8. Skip Singing (Facebook Group)

9. Simple Actions Video (YouTube)

10. I Will Walk with Jesus ASL Video (YouTube)

11. Cupcake Walk (YouTube)

12. Stop & Go Singing Start at 5:35 (YouTube)

13. Egg Hunt (YouTube)

14. Alternate Dance Scarves (YouTube)

15. ASL Sign Language (YouTube)

For more awesome activities, see all I Hope They Call Me on a Mission Singing Time ideas!

12 I Hope They Call Me on a Mission Singing Time LDS Primary Music Leader ideas! Fun ways to teach I Hope They Call Me on a Mission with a variety of learning styles including a fun around the world game, missionary videos and stories, sand block patterns and many more!

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25 fun and engaging ways to teach I Will Walk with Jesus singing time ideas including a variety of printable song helps for LDS Primary music leaders. Use these fun engaging ways to teach with a letter sounds, unscramble lyrics, learn & teach task, walk the path, dance scarves and more!

What other fun ways will you teach I Will Walk with Jesus this year? Share your singing time ideas in the comments to add to this resource!

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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