Whether you’re looking for a great Easter song or want to include this song about the resurrection while teaching about Christ’s life, you’ll love all these engaging Did Jesus Really Live Again Singing Time ideas!
You’ll find Did Jesus Really Live Again on both the Old Testament and New Testament Come Follow Me Song List. I recommend teaching this song during the New Testament year as it’s a perfect way to teach about the resurrection and part of his life in the spring.

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8 Did Jesus Really Live Again
Teaching Ideas Packet
You’ll love this ready made packet with our 8 favorite teaching ideas with bonus extended printables to help you easily teach this song in your Primary room! Save time and jump right to this Did Jesus Really Live Again Teaching Ideas in my shop. It is also available in my Etsy shop here.

Did Jesus Really Live Again Flip Charts
Get started with a visual aid and lyrics to help you teach this song. Head over to see all of these different Did Jesus Really Live Again Flip Chart options including a colorful, lyrics only, and even a slideshow!
This song is included in the Children’s Songbook on page #64. You can find printable sheet music on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints website here.
Did Jesus Really Live Again Singing Time Ideas
This post will help you find all of my Did Jesus Really Live Again teaching ideas around this blog. Plus, I’m also sharing additional favorite lesson plans from other Primary music leaders at the end of this post!
1. Did Jesus Really Live Again – Find the Word
Fill in the missing words with these visual aids in this Did Jesus Really Live Again Find the Word activity. It’s a great activity for Junior Primary especially with visual clues they can understand.
2. Did Jesus Really Live Again – Scripture Stories
Learn from diving into a variety of different scripture stories from Jesus’ life and resurrection to add more depth and meaning to this song. Head over here to grab this Did Jesus Really Live Again Scripture Stories lesson plan.
3. Did Jesus Really Live Again – Easter Eggs
This Easter song can be taught with a fun Easter themed activity in this Did Jesus Really Live Again Easter Eggs lesson plan. Each Easter egg reveals one piece of the resurrection story to give you lots of opportunities for singing through this song while moving through the story.
4. Did Jesus Really Live Again – Cup Pattern
Add in fun movement with the cup pattern activity. It’s fun and engaging way to interact with this song while building in tons of repetition. Head over to this post to grab the Did Jesus Really Live Again Cup Pattern.
5. Did Jesus Really Live Again – Oohs and Aahs

In this Did Jesus Really Live Again Ooh and Aahs activity, you’ll substitute out keywords or just follow along with the melody and sing sounds instead. This is a really great way to help the kids sing the song in their head while singing the melody aloud with sounds. That creates a powerful bridge to help remember the song better!
6. Did Jesus Really Live Again – Word Map

Break down the song lyrics in this Did Jesus Really Live Again Word Map. It’s a great visual way to help the children better understand the message of this song and how the lyrics interconnect to teach us about the Savior’s resurrection.
7. Did Jesus Really Live Again – Eraser Pass

In this Did Jesus Really Live Again Eraser Pass game, you’ll cross out all the wrong words until you have just one word left in each row. It’s a great challenge especially for Senior Primary children.
8. Did Jesus Really Live Again – Shadow Pictures
You’re going to LOVE this magical Did Jesus Really Live Again Shadow Pictures activity. You’ll cover up simple phrase crack the code puzzles with a colored screen, then magically reveal them with a flashlight!
9. Did Jesus Really Live Again – Sing Along Video
Introduce this song to your Primary children with this sweet Did Jesus Really Live Again sing-along video. The melody is played with a guitar sing along and a music leader singing that will be perfect to use in your Primary room. I also love to send this video on to families so they can practice the song at home and enjoy Primary music on Sundays at home.
13 More Different Ways to Teach Did Jesus Really Live Again
If you’re looking for even more inspiration, I’ve sourced some of my favorite ideas for other Primary Music Leaders to help you teach this song in fun and varied ways.
1. Did Jesus Really Live Again – Hand Bells

Merry Bells makes a set of printable Hand Bell Charts for a whole collection of Primary Songs! You can grab the set of Primary Songs #2 that includes a Did Jesus Really Live Again Hand Bell Chart. Use the code PrimarySinging for 10% off!
If you’d like a little more control, and flexibility, head over to see our Hand Bell Music Note Cards that let you turn ANY song into a hand bell chart easily!
2. Did Jesus Really Live Again – Flip Over Poster
Here’s another awesome idea to teach Did Jesus Really Live Again in Singing time! Use the lyrics on the back and assemble in order, then flip it over to magically reveal an assembled picture of Christ! Grab the printables and directions here on Teaching Children the Gospel.
3. Hand Actions (YouTube)
4. Trace the Pictures (Facebook Group)
5. Finger Tubes Start at 11:53 (YouTube)
6. Honeycomb Samples (Facebook Group)
7. Picture Hunt (Facebook Group)
8. Keyword Objects or This one (Facebook Group)
9. “I Mustache you a Question” (Facebook Group)
10. ASL Sign Language (YouTube)
11. Sing-Along Video (YouTube)
12. Keyword Pictures (Facebook Group)
13. Questions and Answers (LDS Primary Posters)
For more fun singing time ideas, head over to see all of these I Know That My Redeemer Lives Singing Time Ideas next!
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What other fun Did Jesus Really Live Again singing time ideas have you tried? We’d love to see your fun ideas! Share them in the comments to add to this list.