Will you spend any time teaching I Believe in Christ in Singing Time (archives)? It’s a beautiful hymn that would be great to spend some time on this year as it’s only included in the Book of Mormon Songs for Primary list, and won’t come around again for another 4 years.
I love this hymn and this collection of I Believe in Christ singing time ideas will help make it easy and fun to teach to your Primary children. There’s a variety of different teaching ideas to hit different learning styles and have fun in a range of activities while teaching this song!

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I Believe in Christ Teaching Packet
Get everything you need to teach I Believe in Christ hymn in one go-to packet! It includes all of the extended printables, a custom art flip chart, and 8 fun different ways to teach this song! It’s an all encompassing I Believe in Christ teaching packet to make your time in singing time fast, easy, and fun!
You’ll find this I Believe in Christ Singing Time Packet in my shop here. It’s also available in my Etsy store here, if you prefer that platform.

I Believe in Christ Flip Charts
You’ll love these various I Believe in Christ Flip Chart options to help you introduce this song, lead the music during your Primary program, or simply have the words to display during your weekly teaching activities. There’s a variety of styles to fit every music leader’s needs!

9 I Believe in Christ Singing Time Ideas
This post will help you find all of my 9 teaching ideas around this blog. Plus, I’m also sharing additional favorite lesson plans from other Primary music leaders at the end of this post!
1. I Believe in Christ – Fill in the Blank

This song has some strong keywords that hold a lot of meaning, but that you might want to spend sometime focusing on. This I Believe in Christ Fill in the Blank activity is just the perfect thing for that! You’ll write in the missing lyrics and then can emphasis what some of these words mean and how they help our belief in Christ. This activity is especially great for Senior Primary kids.
2. I Believe in Christ – Magic Crayon

Draw out the song in the air with this I Believe in Christ Magic Crayon lesson plan! It’s a great way to help bring this wordy song to life in a very visual way that even your Junior Primary children will enjoy!
3. I Believe in Christ – Lyrics Split

Divide up the lyrics in this fun challenge activity, I Believe in Christ Lyrics Split. The lyrics are divided into thinks the Savior does for us and things that we can do to help our belief. This is a great logical thinking activity that helps you better connect the meaning of the lyrics as you teach this hymn.
4. I Believe in Christ – Jingle Bells

Use this simple I Believe in Christ Jingle Bells pattern to make your own music and have some fun reviewing this song in your Primary room! It’s just 3 actions with a complete pattern that’s easy to follow along with so you can shake, shake, shake your way through this song!
5. I Believe in Christ – Action Words

You’ll love these I Believe in Christ Action Words that make it so easy to learn and remember the lyrics. Each action represents a line or phrase of the song with strong symbols that help the kids better remember what comes next and keep each of the verses straight.
6. I Believe in Christ – Testimony Cards

This I Believe in Christ Testimony Cards activity is one you don’t want to miss! It’s a great way to add a spiritual tie-in to this powerful hymn! Pull out these testimony cards with the different lines from the song and share a brief testimony between each time singing through the song for an unforgettable singing time!
7. I Believe in Christ – Pitch Leading

This song has a lot of movement of the notes and you’ll love using this next activity for all of your Primary children! In this I Believe in Christ Pitch Leading idea you’ll move your hand up and down following the movement of the notes. It’s great for helping the children learn more about the movement of the melody and focusing on singing their very best!
8. I Believe in Christ – Rhythm Sticks

You can use these 4 simple I Believe in Christ Rhythm Sticks actions to help add in movement and fun with the repeating melody of the song in an engaging way. Just follow along with the pattern that fits the feeling of the music so well.
9. I Believe in Christ – Sing-Along Video
Use this beautiful I Believe in Christ Sing-Along Video to fill your home with beautiful praise! It’s great to help the children hear the song more and practice it before the Primary Program. Or, you can use this video to help introduce this song for the first time in your Primary room.

6 More Ways to Teach I Believe in Christ
If you’re looking for even more inspiration, I’ve sourced some of my favorite ideas for other Primary Music Leaders to help you teach this song in fun and varied ways.
1. I Believe in Christ – Hand Bells

My Primary children always love it when I bring hand bells in and Merry Bells makes it easy with their play along videos or printable bell charts. This song is included in Hymns Collection set. Use the coupon code PrimarySinging to save 10% on any purchase.
2. I Believe in Christ – ASL
For a great way to add depth and added meaning to the lyrics of this song, try learning the ASL signs for I Believe in Christ for one of the verses or a few lines of the song!
3. Stop Maze Game (Facebook Group)
4. First Letters Melody Map (Facebook Group)
5. Paired with Gospel Art Kit Images (Facebook Group)
6. Picture of Christ (Facebook Group)
For more activities, see these I Will Be What I Believe Singing Time ideas!

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What other fun I Believe in Christ singing time ideas have you tried? We’d love to see your fun ideas! Share them in the comments to add to this list.