20 Teach Me to Walk in the Light Singing Time Ideas

Teach Me to Walk in the Light (archives) is one of my favorite Primary songs! I’m not sure why I love it so much, but it must be one that has stuck with me from my days in Primary! Today, I have a bunch of fun and easy ways to teach the song with these 20 Teach Me to Walk in the Light Singing Time Ideas!

Teach Me to Walk in the Light is only included on the Old Testament Primary Songs for Come Follow Me list, so I highly recommend teaching it this year, if it works with your list! Even if you don’t plan to include it for your Primary Program, spend a week or 2 giving the Senior & Junior Primary kids a little exposure to this beloved Primary song!

Teach Me to Walk in the Light Singing Time Ideas for LDS Primary music leaders including 20 fun ways to teach this song in Primary! Rebus, action code words, light vs dark, sports yoga and more! Printable song helps for teaching Teach Me to Walk in the Light song in Primary.

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Teach Me to Walk in the Light Flip Charts

Teach Me to Walk in the Light flip chart and lyrics singing time

As a helpful first resource, you can head over to grab our Teach Me to Walk in the Light Flip Chart with several different styles to choose from! I always like to keep one on hand, just in case! There’s also the lyrics if you need help reviewing the song or help in planning your activities.

This song is included in the Children’s Songbook on page #177. You can find printable sheet music on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints website here.

8 Teach Me to Walk in the Light Singing Time Ideas

We’ll get started first with direct links to all the singing time ideas here on my blog. I’ve shared tons of activities here on this website and you’ll be able to easily find each of those activities from this list below. Then, there are more fun ideas after that!

1. Teach Me to Walk in the Light – Winter Sports Yoga

Teach Me to Walk in the Light Winter Sports Yoga / Winter Olympics yoga singing time idea for LDS Primary music leaders

Use this fun and adorable Teach Me to Walk in the Light Winter Sports Yoga activity cards when teaching! They were designed with the Winter Olympics in mind, and would be a unique way to reminisce back on the winter games! But, they’re also just fun sports for the winter season the kids know and love and will have a blast recreating in yoga form!

2. Teach Me to Walk in the Light – Action Code

Teach Me to Walk in the Light action code singing time idea for LDS Primary music leaders

Add in a ton of fun movement with this Teach Me to Walk in the Light Action Code! The kids will help decode the symbols what word(s) they represent and then add in an action to match the missing words!

3. Teach Me to Walk in the Light – Sing Along Karaoke

Teach Me to Walk in the Light Sing-Along Karaoke Videos singing time idea

Pick from one of these awesome Teach Me to Walk in the Light Sing Along Karaoke videos as a perfect way to introduce the song for the first time or review it after a few weeks of practice! I love using videos in Primary to mix things up a bit.

4. Teach Me to Walk in the Light – Dark vs Light

Teach Me to Walk in the Light Dark vs Light Singing Time idea for LDS Primary music leaders - compare and contrast light and darkness in this object lesson

Dive into the symbolism of the song with this Teach Me to Walk in the Light Dark vs Light contrast lesson plan! It’s a great way to leave a lasting impression with the children of the meaning of this song with pictures or objects to represent light and darkness.

5. Teach Me to Walk in the Light – Hide and Seek

Teach Me to Walk in the Light Hide & Seek singing time idea and printable song helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders

You can’t go wrong with this easy no-prep Teach Me to Walk in the Light Hide and Seek game! It’s a classic that’s a great one to include for this song especially for those weeks with a sub. Hide an object and let the kids hunt it down.

6. Teach Me to Walk in the Light – Clap, Pat & Snap

You will love reviewing and laughing with this Teach Me to Walk in the Light Clap, Pat & Snap singing time review activity! This living music activity is such a fun way to add some rhythm into singing time as you review Teach Me to Walk in the Light this month! With printable song helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Give the Primary children a challenge with this Teach Me to Walk in the Light Clap, Pat & Snap activity. They’ll decode the shapes and add in tons of repetition with the variety of fun different ways to use this lesson plan!

7. Teach Me to Walk in the Light – Rebus

Teach Me to Walk in the Light Rebus singing time idea

Use this cute repeating “teach” symbol and icons and have the kids piece together each of the pieces in order in this fun crack the code and twist on a classic rebus in our Teach Me to Walk in the Light Rebus Primary singing time idea!

It includes a variety of fun and different song visuals for a Primary Music Leader to teach this song in an easy way! I’ve designed this one specifically for the first verse as that verse is all the “teach me” lines of the song.

You could grab poster boards and let the kids help you fill in their own ideas to represent each of the symbols in a different color and even expand it to the second verse or the entire song!

8. Teach Me to Walk in the Light – Finger Lights

20 Teach Me to Walk in the Light Singing Time Ideas Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders IMG 6744 e1657039406518

Bring in finger lights (or glow sticks) for a fun way to add movement and a variety of different actions as you “paint” the song in the air! Follow this easy Teach Me to Walk in the Light Finger Lights lesson plan that makes it a breeze and so much fun for the kids while teaching this song!

12 MORE Different Ways for Teaching Teach Me to Walk in the Light

I’ve gathered a whole bunch of varied and fun ways to teach this song created by other Primary Music Leaders (Primary Chorister). I can’t wait to hear as well your own ideas and adaptions for how you taught this song!

1. Teach Me to Walk in the Light – Hand Bells

20 Teach Me to Walk in the Light Singing Time Ideas Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders Teach Me to Walk in the Light

The Primary children will absolutely love using hand bells while learning this song! You can use the Merry Bells play along video for a fast-paced way to learn this song or choose their printable bell charts. This song is included in their Primary Songs set #1.

Save on Merry Bells printable charts and bells with a coupon code just for my readers! Just add PrimarySinging coupon on the cart page to save 10% off your purchase.

20 Teach Me to Walk in the Light Singing Time Ideas Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders Merry Bells 20221003 123803

If you’d like a little more control, and flexibility, head over to see our Hand Bell Music Note Cards that let you turn ANY song into a hand bell chart easily!

2. Teach Me to Walk in the Light – PBJ!

Teach Me to Walk in the Light peanut butter & jelly singing time idea

I’ve seen this fun teaching directions activity before, and it’s a perfect object lesson to use for this song as a Primary Chorister! Have the kids give you directions for making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and follow them exactly! See how funny your sandwich might turn out. Then have a new child try again in a different direction to see if you can get it done the right way. Head over to Basic Primary Music blog for all the directions.

3. Teach Me to Walk in the Light – Mashup Video

Share this beautiful mashup video of Teach Me to Walk in the Light with One Voice Children’s Choir. This new song combines with Love One Another, another one of the songs for this year! I absolutely love with a little child sings this song!! It’s like angels singing! If you’re looking for a different kid of video, you could always use a sign language video to show “loving guidance” or how about a sing-along video for a fun introduction!

4. Teach Me to Walk in the Light – Acting

Teach Me to Walk in the Light acting singing time idea

For the third verse, use this step-by-step guide to teach with a flip chart, then act out each line of the song, then remove the posters in place of keyword popsicle sticks! I love the adorable word swap on the last verse for Mother’s day! Head over to see this Teach Me to Walk in the Light acting activity over at Teach LDS Children’s blog.

5. Emoji Pictures (Google Drive)

6. Flashlight Poster (Facebook Group)

7. Red Light, Green Light Game (Facebook Group)

8. ASL Sign Language (YouTube)

9. Hot & Cold game (MTC for Kids)

10. Flashlight Words (Facebook Group)

11. Who’s Shoes (Primary Notes 29)

12. Arrange the Pictures (Facebook Group)

For more awesome activities, see these I Will Walk with Jesus Singing Time ideas!

12 fun and engaging ways to teach I Will Walk with Jesus singing time ideas including a variety of printable song helps for LDS Primary music leaders. Use these fun engaging ways to teach with a letter sounds, unscramble lyrics, learn & teach task, walk the path, dance scarves and more!

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Teach Me to Walk in the Light Singing Time Ideas for LDS Primary music leaders including 20 fun ways to teach this song in Primary! Rebus, action code words, light vs dark, sports yoga and more! Printable song helps for teaching Teach Me to Walk in the Light song in Primary.

What other fun Teach Me to Walk in the Light singing time ideas have you tried? We’d love to see your fun ideas! Share them in the comments to add to this list.

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