Are you planning to teach this beautiful new Christmas song I’ll Give My Love, by Angie Killian, this year? It’s perfect song to teach this holiday season! For more song ideas, head over to see my master list of 100+ Primary Christmas Songs!

I’ll Give My Love Flip Chart
You don’t want to miss this Singing Time Flipchart List with 100’s of songs available in a variety of different printable formats! This song may be my newest addition to the list, and the only one not available with a free flip chart, but you’ll find SO much value over on that list to help you with any song you want to teach to your Primary children.

For another wonderful resource to help you using flip charts for singing time, head over to this tips and tricks post where I show exactly how I use flip charts and make them easier than ever before to utilize in Primary!
The Gift I’ll Give Sheet Music
I’ll Give My Love is written by Angie Killian and was release just last year. It’s a really beautiful song about giving your heart through service to others to the Savior.

It’s a perfect song to teach for Christmas with a focus on the true meaning of gift giving and following President Nelson’s counsel to be a peacemaker!
“I’ll Give My Love” by Angie Killian © 2023 Angie Killian. Used by Permission.

You can find I’ll Give My Love sheet music here.
I’ll Give My Love Music Video
If you haven’t heard this song before, you’ll want to watch the official I’ll Give My Love music video. It’s such a pretty song, that would be great for Primary or youth to sing.
The Gift I’ll Give Illustrated Flip Chart
You’ll fall in love with this custom illustrated I’ll Give My Love flip chart that has illustrations designed specifically for this song. It’s a packed full packet with a bunch of different options to best fit your needs, including:

- Portrait, Landscape, and Slideshow orientations
- Colorful keywords, color pictures, and Black and White color-in options
- Picture with word blanks to add your own keywords
- In both condensed, normal, and expanded spacing to fit your needs.
Go pick up this I’ll Give My Love art flip chart in my shop. It is also available in my Etsy shop here if you prefer that platform.

**NOTE: There are NO free flip charts for this song due to copyright and royalties requirements. Purchasing this flip chart supports both the artist and composers.
Have any feedback about my I’ll Give My Love Art flip chart? Let me know in the comments!