My Mother’s Day song pick for this year is Mother, I Love You (archives). To introduce this song, I’ve decided to print out pictures of loving mothers. The kids will come up to find a mother match – two of the same pictures of a mother/child pair while we sing through the song.
Mother, I Love You Mother Match Game
I created a 2-page spread of 8 different pictures of mothers with their children. Each picture has different ways the mother is showing love for their child. In Junior Primary, I’ll use 6 matches (12 total pictures). And make a grid of 4 across and 3 rows.
Because I think tape is easiest, I’ll just tape up the pictures on the side and then the kids can flip them over to the side to see if they are a match, without removing them from the whiteboard. If they are a match we’ll flip them over, and bend the tape so the picture now faces forward while using the same piece of tape.
In Senior Primary, we’ll use all 8 pictures (16 total pictures) and make a grid of 4×4.
I’ll start this lesson plan with by quickly teaching the song with an echo repeat. I’ll sing the first line, and then have the kids repeat it back to me. We’ll continue like this until we have made our way through the whole song. Then, we’ll sing it through one time all together before beginning the activity.
Then, I’ll call up a child to flip over any two pictures to see if they have made a match. I’ll let them pick the next volunteer as they return to their seat, that way I can focus on leading and doing simple hand actions to help the kids learn the words while the volunteers look for matches.
Mother, I Love You Mother Match Printable
Grab this cute 2-page printable with 8 different pictures of moms! You can print one page, or the other, or both – but print 2 copies to make matches!
Coming up next, head over to this fun movement words game to substitute in place of the words!