Did You Think to Pray Dance Scarves

I love using dance scarves in primary! This fun Did You Think to Pray Dance Scarves activity uses just 4 different actions and makes for a great purposeful movement activity while you review Did You Think to Pray in singing time!

In this post, I outline the dance scarves pattern for this song and provide 3 additional ways to use this activity in primary! I’ve also included a demo video that goes through the entire pattern for the first verse and chorus!

See all of my Did You Think to Pray Singing Time Ideas here!

This Come Follow Me New Testament Did You Think to Pray Dance Scarves movement activity with 4 dance scarves actions is a fun way to review this song for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Did You Think To Pray Dance Scarves Actions

At the beginning of primary, review the first verse and chorus of Did You Think to Pray (flipchart).

Introduce the activity by posting the 4 dance scarves actions on the board. Pass out dance scarves to each teacher and have them give one dance scarf to each child.

Demonstrate each of the 4 Did You Think to Pray Dance Scarves Actions. Make the rainbow shape by waving your dance scarves from left to right to create a rainbow in the air! For the circle shape, wave your dance scarves in a large circle in front of you.

This Come Follow Me New Testament Did You Think to Pray Dance Scarves movement activity with 4 dance scarves actions is a fun way to review this song for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

For the star action, create a star-shape by starting low and bring your dance scarf across your body and above your head to make two points. Bring the dance scarves down to the right side of your body, then draw the dance scarves up to the other side until you have 5 points! Create the final action by waving your dance scarves up and down.

Have the children practice the actions with you, then slowly add in the music! Start by singing the verse and using the first two dance scarves actions.

This Come Follow Me New Testament Did You Think to Pray Dance Scarves movement activity with 4 dance scarves actions is a fun way to review this song for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Then, try the chorus and use star and arrow actions! Have the children try this a few times, then go through the entire song!

Continue reviewing the song while using these simple dance scarves actions!

This Come Follow Me New Testament Did You Think to Pray Dance Scarves movement activity with 4 dance scarves actions is a fun way to review this song for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Did You Think to Pray Dance Scarves Actions Demo Video

Use these fun Did You Think to Pray Dance Scarves Actions to teach this Come Follow Me New Testament song in primary! In this video, I outline 4 different dance scarves actions that make for a simple and fun singing time activity! Just click on the link below or watch through YouTube.

–> Did You Think to Pray Dance Scarves Demo Video <–

4 Dance Scarves Actions

This pattern has just 4 dance scarves actions that will be simple enough for both Junior and Senior primary! Try each out these actions before adding music!

Rainbow: The rainbow shape is super simple! Just wave your dance scarves from left to right while making an umbrella shape.

*Create the rainbow shape while you sing “Ere you left your room this morning, did you think to pray?”*

This Come Follow Me New Testament Did You Think to Pray Dance Scarves movement activity with 4 dance scarves actions is a fun way to review this song for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Circle: To make the circle shape, wave your dance scarves in a large circle in front of you. You can switch things up by alternating between clockwise and counter-clockwise.

*Make the circle shape while singing “In the name of Christ, our Savior. Did you sue for loving favor as a shield today?”*

Star: Create a star-shape by crossing five diagonal lines starting from the bottom left-hand corner. There are lots of ways to make the star, so feel free to try it different ways!

*Create the star shape while you sing “Oh, how praying rests the weary. Prayer will change the night to day.”*

Up Arrow:

*Wave your dance scarves up and down while singing “So when life gets dark and dreary, don’t forget to pray.”*

This Come Follow Me New Testament Did You Think to Pray Dance Scarves movement activity with 4 dance scarves actions is a fun way to review this song for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Extension Activities:

  • Add a few more actions to the pattern! Grab a set of Dance Scarves Movement Cards from our shop for 24 more dance scarves actions to use for this song!
  • Assign each group one of four sections of the song. Have each group use the action for their section of the song! Put the entire song together by having each group stand up and sing when it’s their turn!
  • Mix up the order of the actions in the song! Put the action cards on the board and rearrange them so that each section of the song has a different action than before! You can even rotate through all actions so that you use each action for all 4 sections!
Did You Think to Pray Dance Scarves Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders In My Fathers Hands Dance Scarves sq

We have lots of fun ways to use dance scarves in primary! For another example, check out this In My Father’s Hands Dance Scarves activity!

Did You Think To Pray Dance Scarves Actions Printable

Grab this printable as you prepare to teach these 4 dance scarves actions in singing time! The first page includes all 4 actions as small cue cards. These are great for arranging the pattern on the board. You can also rearrange these any way you’d like for a fun extension activity!

I’ve also written out the entire first verse and chorus as mini-posters. Each page includes the dance scarves action that goes with that line. This is a great resource if the kids are having a hard time remembering the pattern! Just print out these pages and put them on the board as you sing together!

This Come Follow Me New Testament Did You Think to Pray Dance Scarves movement activity with 4 dance scarves actions is a fun way to review this song for LDS Primary Music Leaders.
Did You Think to Pray Dance Scarves Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders INSTANT Primary Singing Extended Printables

You’ll find a printable lesson plan and bonus black and white printable option included in the March New Testament INSTANT Primary Singing membership packet!

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Did You Think to Pray Dance Scarves Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders PS Plus Unlock Banner

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For another fun review idea, try this Did You Think To Pray Jingle Bells activity!

Use this fun Did You Think To Pray Jingle Bells living music activity with 3 different jingle bell actions for Primary Music Leaders teaching this Come Follow Me New Testament song.

How will you be using these dance scarves actions in primary this month?

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