This past week, we had fun getting everyone up and working together with Baptism Rhythm partners while they practice either the simple or challenge rhythm patterns with a partner while singing the Baptism song.
I’ve included three different patterns here, so you can adjust the challenge to meet your Primary’s age and abilities.
** See 20 Baptism Song Singing Time Ideas here **

Baptism Rhythm Partners
I like to start by singing the song through once, before we begin any other activities.
Next, I’ll usually demonstrate the pattern one time through while we sing through the song again, or if short on time I’ll show them the pattern while singing the first line or two of the song. Ask the children if they think they can mimic your pattern.
You can start with the simple solo pattern first, to help the kids (especially Junior primary) start to feel the rhythm of the song. You can then tell the children to find a partner and demonstrate the next pattern.

In Senior Primary, you can tell the children if they want a CHALLENGE pattern, they can try this next rhythm pattern, or they can simply continue with the last pattern you tried.
You can add lots or repetition by having them find a new buddy to partner with or by having them join partnerships to make groups of 4 and try the challenge again!
Baptism Partner Rhythm Patterns
Solo Rhythm Pattern:
- Clap hands on lap (either alternating hands or with both hands) for two beats
- Clap hands together twice
Simple Partners Rhythm Pattern:
- One child keeps both hands down, the other claps their partners hands twice
- Both children clap straight across to each other twice

Challenge Partners Rhythm Pattern:
- Right hands up / Left hands down – clap with partner
- Left hands up / Right hands down – clap with partner
- Clap both hands straight across to partner
- Flip hands backwards and clap “flap” (clapping the back of your hand with knuckles facing each other
See another fun way to use rhythm with this When I Am Baptized Rhythm Sticks Pattern singing time idea.
Printable Baptism Rhythm Partners Patterns
I have created a printable 1-sheet with the 3 patterns to help you remember and utilize them in Primary!

You can also score a 1-page lesson plan to easily recreate this activity year after year and a larger format pattern posters as part of this the INSTANT Primary Singing membership when Baptism is the song of the month!

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!
Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.
For another fun way to teach Baptism see this Picture the River hands-on singing time idea.
What other fun actions could you add to this Baptism rhythm partners activity?
What does “Patsch” mean on your printable?
It’s the actual term for patting your lap. 🙂