Born to Bring Us Joy Flip Chart & Lyrics

Teach this unique NEW Primary song, Born to Bring Us Joy (archives), to your Primary children this year with the help of this flip chart and lyrics you’ll find here in this post. This is just one of the over 100+ Primary Christmas songs you have to choose from, and it’s a good one!

Born to Bring Us Joy Flip Chart Teach this upbeat Christmas song by Angie Killian this year. Printable lyrics and pictures for LDS Primary Music leaders or Christian song helps.

Born to Bring Us Joy Flip Chart

Have you seen this super helpful post on how I use flip charts in Primary? You’ll love helpful instructions for use and even how to make your own if you can’t find the song you’re looking for included in this Ultimate list of Primary Singing Time Flip Charts!

Born to Bring Us Joy Flip Chart singing time song lyrics and pictures helps for teaching this Christmas song by Angie Killian for LDS Primary music leaders

Born to Bring Us Joy Lyrics

*This song will need pre-approval for use.

The music and lyrics for “Born to Bring Us Joy” are by Angie Killian
You can find Born to Bring Us Joy sheet music here.

Verse 1:

The angels echoed through the sky
The night that Jesus was born
To tell the world the Lord has come–
Born to bring us joy!

The shepherds, hearing their song that night,
Came running from Bethlehem’s hills
To kneel before the baby boy–
Born to bring us joy!


Singing joy! Joy! Joy to the world!
For Jesus our Savior is born!
Joy! Joy! Joy to the world!
He is born to bring us joy!

Born to Bring Us Joy Flip Chart Teach this upbeat Christmas song by Angie Killian this year. Printable lyrics and pictures for LDS Primary Music leaders or Christian song helps.

Verse 2:

A bright new star lit up the sky
The night that Jesus was born
To tell the world the Lord has come–
Born to bring us joy!

The wisemen, seeing the star that night,
Came running from faraway lands
To kneel before the baby boy–
Born to bring us joy!

Born to Bring Us Joy Flip Chart Teach this upbeat Christmas song by Angie Killian this year. Printable lyrics and pictures for LDS Primary Music leaders or Christian song helps.

Verse 3:

Like the angels and the star
That testified that night,
I will sing and I will shine
So all can come to Christ!

Born to Bring Us Joy Flip Chart singing time song lyrics and pictures helps for teaching this Christmas song by Angie Killian for LDS Primary music leaders


Joy! Joy to the world!
For Jesus our Savior is born!
Joy! Joy! Joy to the world!
He is born to bring us…

Joy to the world!
Joy to the world!
Joy to the world!
He is born to bring us joy!

“Born to Bring Us Joy” by Angie Killian
© 2023 Angie Killian Music. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

Born to Bring Us Joy Sing-Along Video

You’ll love this beautiful sing-along video for Born to Bring Us Joy to help you learn the music or to share the song with your Primary children the first week.

Born to Bring Us Joy Art Flip Chart

You’ll find a lovely Born to Bring Us Joy flip chart that uses custom illustrations designed specifically to fit the lyrics of this song with a variety of different children and pictures for each line of the song in this custom art flip chart! It includes both portrait and landscape, color and black and white, and condensed as well as expanded spacing!

You can find this custom art flip chart for Born to Bring Us Joy in my shop. It is also available in my Etsy store here.

Born to Bring Us Joy Flip Chart Teach this upbeat Christmas song by Angie Killian this year. Printable lyrics and pictures for LDS Primary Music leaders or Christian song helps.

Born to Bring Us Joy
Singing Time Flip Chart

You can choose this colorful condensed flip chart that’s my original style if you have a good color printer. It includes photos from the LDS image library to complement the words.

Born to Bring Us Joy Flip Chart singing time song lyrics and pictures helps for teaching this Christmas song by Angie Killian for LDS Primary music leaders

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

Born to Bring Us Joy
Simple Flip Chart Printable

Do you just need the lyrics with no extra fuss? This great option is a big thick easy to read font that’s printer friendly. Just post the words for those that might need them and keep the focus on your teaching activities.

Born to Bring Us Joy
Slideshow Flip Chart

This slideshow option is a great one for those with a TV already in the Primary room. Simply connect your phone or device to the TV and display the lyrics large enough for everyone to see.

Have any feedback about my Born to Bring Us Joy flip chart? Let me know in the comments!

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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