Children All Over the World Song Pictures

Here’s a perfect fit activity to help you teach Children All Over the World to your Primary children! In this Children All Over the World Song Pictures lesson plan, you’ll use 6 different pictures of children that fit with the lyrics and a keyword on each. Or, just use a variety of pictures from the Gospel Art Kit or your ward library.

Children All Over the World Song Pictures fun singing time idea to show different children with a keyword on each of 6 pictures to help you teach this song! Printable song helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Children All Over the World Song Pictures

How to Play:

Sing through Children All Over the World (flip chart here) once, before introducing this activity.

Show the first picture and teach the first 2 lines of the song by singing them, then having the children sing them with you. Post the first picture on the board.

Children All Over the World Song Pictures fun singing time idea to show different children with a keyword on each of 6 pictures to help you teach this song! Printable song helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Hold up the second picture and teach the next two lines of the song. Sing the words to the children, then sing them again together with them. Start from the beginning of the song and sing up to this far in the song. Then, post the picture up on the board.

Continue to work your way through the song adding pictures, singing the lines, and then repeat singing again with the children.

Children All Over the World Song Pictures fun singing time idea to show different children with a keyword on each of 6 pictures to help you teach this song! Printable song helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Children All Over the World Pictures:

Here are some pictures you can use, instead of printing. These are from the Gospel Art Kit (GAK below). You can use any alternative pictures you find as well, these are just the closest match I could find to work from the library picture numbers and gospel art kit photos.

  • Young boy praying GAK #605
    • All over the world at the end of day, Heav’nly Father’s children kneel down and pray
  • Jesus Healing the Nephites #62541 or GAK #317
    • Each saying thank you / in his own special way, Saying thank you, thank you in his own special way.
  • Family Togetherness GAK #616
    • “Gracias.” “Malo.” “Wir danken dir.” All over the world tender voices hear.
  • Christ and the Children from around the World #62190 or GAK #608
    • Some say “tak,” others “merci,” “Kansha shimasu,” we thank thee.
  • Christ and the Children #62467 or GAK 216
    • Our Heavenly Father hears them; He understands each tongue.
  • Jesus Blessing Jarius’s Daughter #62231 or GAK #215
    • Our Heav’nly Father knows them; He loves them, loves them, ev’ry one.
Children All Over the World Song Pictures fun singing time activity to help the children visualize the song lyrics they are learning. Printable helps for LDS Primary music leaders.

Extension Activities:

  • Invite children to come up to hold each of your signs for you. Have them hold up their sign when it’s their part of the song.
  • Divide up the different languages by created 3 groups in the room. Each group will sing two of the different languages. (1 in the first set and the next in the following set of 3). Then, rotate which languages each group sings.
Use this Grandmother Primary Song Pictures for Song visual intrigue activity with pictures for each phrase for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

For another fun singing time activity that uses photos -head over to see this Grandmother Song Pictures lesson plan.

Children All Over the World Song Pictures Printable Pictures & Song Helps

This free printable includes 6 pictures from the Church media library. Each picture has a keyword overlay from the corresponding line or two of the song.

Children All Over the World Song Pictures fun singing time idea to show different children with a keyword on each of 6 pictures to help you teach this song! Printable song helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
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If you need more help teaching this song, head over to see this fun Children All Over the World Mixed Instruments activity idea!

Children All Over the World Mixed Instruments fun singing time idea to teach this LDS Primary song for music leaders with printable song helps!

What other ways could you use these pictures to help you teach Children All Over the World?

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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