Grandmother Primary Song Pictures

Use this Grandmother Primary Song Pictures Mother’s Day singing time idea for a fun way to introduce or review this song in primary! These cute visuals are a great way to help your primary children learn this song.

Lots of kids are visual learners! Having pictures when you introduce a song can be a great way for them to have something in their mind to help them remember the song! It’s also just a great way to keep kids engaged!

Use this Grandmother Primary Song Pictures visual intrigue activity with pictures for each phrase for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Grandmother Primary Song Pictures

There are so many awesome ways to introduce a new song in primary! Some primary leaders like to use hand actions, spiritual videos, or even movement to teach a new song in primary for the first time!

For this activity, introduce the song by singing 1-2 phrases at a time and showing a picture to go along with the line.

I’ve created printable mini-posters with 1-2 lines of the song on each page with a picture! You can grab this printable later in the post! These pictures can be used as posters on the board or in a binder like our flipcharts. Check out this post to learn all about using flip charts in primary!

I usually like to teach the song from the beginning, but you can also start with the chorus! This post includes song pictures for the first two verses and chorus.

Use this Grandmother Primary Song Pictures visual intrigue activity with pictures for each phrase for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

At the beginning of singing time, ask the children what holiday is coming up soon (Mother’s Day)! Tell the kids that you’ll be learning a Mother’s Day song about grandmothers.

Then, post the first page of song pictures on the board. Sing the first two phrases of the song, “You give me a kiss, you give me a hug.” You can choose to cover up the words or keep them up for your readers to reference.

Post the next song picture and sing the next phrase of the song. Have the kids repeat the words after you. This is especially helpful for the younger primary kids who have not learned how to read yet.

Use this Grandmother Primary Song Pictures visual intrigue activity with pictures for each phrase for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

After singing 2-3 lines, have the kids sing the lines together. I have found that chunking the song into smaller phrases helps the kids to remember the song!

Continue singing through the song a few phrases at a time. Introduce each picture as you sing the line.

Then, sing through the entire song using the song pictures! Invite a volunteer to come up and point to the pictures as you sing through the song. This is a really fun way to get the kids involved in singing time!

Be sure to check out some additional ways to use this activity! We have 5 different extension ideas, from simple hand actions to singing the song in a silly way! We also have some ideas for song review if you have already introduced the song in singing time.

Use this Grandmother Primary Song Pictures visual intrigue activity with pictures for each phrase for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Extension Activities:

  • Add some simple actions to help your primary kids remember the song! For example, you could have the kids pretend to blow a kiss when they sing “You give me a kiss” and give themselves a big hug when they sing “You give me a hug.”
  • Mix up the pictures on the board at the beginning of primary! Write each phrase of the song on the board as well. Have the children match the phrase to the picture!
  • Grab some of our Primary Singing Time Cue Cards to add movement while you review!
  • If using this activity as a review, write a different way to sing the song on the back of each picture. As the kids choose a picture, sing the song in the way the picture indicates!
  • For a fun review idea, play the “Dropped the Pictures” game in primary! Mix up all the pictures before singing time. At the beginning of primary, “accidentally” drop all the pictures on the ground and have the kids work together to rearrange the pictures in the correct order. Check out this When He Comes Again Dropped the Pictures activity for more ideas on this!
Grandmother Primary Song Pictures Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders mother I love you match

For another fun visual activity for Mother’s Day, check out this Mother, I Love You Mother Match game!

Grandmother Primary Song Pictures

Use this Grandmother Primary Song Pictures printable to help you introduce this song in primary! This printable includes pictures for the chorus, as well as verses 1-2 of this song. Print out whichever verse(s) you are teaching and tape them to the board or slip them into a page protector.

Use this Grandmother Primary Song Pictures for Song visual intrigue activity with pictures for each phrase for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Book of Mormon Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the Book of Mormon year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, Book of Mormon year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
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Head over to this Grandmother Primary Song Hot Potato Game next for fun review idea!

Try this fun Grandmother Primary Song Hot Potato Game to review this Mother's Day song by passing around a bean bag until the music stops for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

What other ideas do you have for introducing this song in primary?

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