Choose the Right Lion & Mouse Activity

As we get closer to summer time, I love to have a few go-to activities for those busy weeks! This month, I’ll be using this fun and easy Choose the Right Lion & Mouse activity to teach dynamics in primary!

**See all Choose the Right Singing Time Ideas!**

Choose the Right Lion & Mouse singing time ideas for LDS Primary music leaders. Grab these adorable printable song helps of a lion and a mouse to teach with using loud and soft singing!

I typically don’t spend time teaching music theory in primary. Although I am studying music, I try to focus on using singing time to teach new songs and share simple gospel doctrines through music.

That being said, I LOVE using this Lion & Mouse activity in singing time. My Junior primary children especially enjoy this activity because they get to participate and take turns leading.

When I think of loud and soft dynamics, I can think of no better way to teach this than through animals. Learning these dynamics can be helpful in reminding children when to sing loud and strong, and when to sing reverently and quietly. Mostly, it’s just for fun!

Ways to sing cue cards easy printable cards to hold up signs with different ways to sing through a variety of songs!

This is just ONE Of the tools I use for changing dynamics and picking groups to sing. You’ll love this entire set of Singing Time Cue Cards!

You can find my complete set of 24 Singing Time Cue Cards in my digital shop here, or you can alternatively find them in my Etsy shop here.

Ways to sing singing time cue cards easy printable cards to hold up signs with different ways to sing through a variety of songs! A great resource for LDS Primary Music Leaders or Elementary music teachers.

Choose the Right Lion & Mouse Activity

This activity is super simple and very fun! All you need for this activity are two animals that represent loud and soft dynamics. I like to use the lion and mouse because the contrast between these animals is very clear.

To prep for this activity, I’ve created two cute signs for my lion and mouse. Creating these signs can be very easy! I’ve created a printable that includes both a lion and mouse to use for this activity. Simply print out your lion & mouse, and tape them to popsicle sticks or hold them up high in primary.

I have been working on laminating all my signs to make them more durable. If you have a laminator, laminating your lion & mouse signs is a great way to make them last many years!

Choose the Right Lion & Mouse singing time ideas for LDS Primary music leaders. Grab these adorable printable song helps of a lion and a mouse to teach with using loud and soft singing!

How cute are these colorful signs? While you review Choose the Right, simply hold up a sign for the dynamic you’d like the children to sing.

When you hold up the lion, invite the children to sing loud & strong. When you switch to the mouse, SHH! Sing as quietly as you can! Switch off your signs so that they change dynamics at random places in the song.

Activity Instructions:

  1. Start by reviewing the first verse of Choose the Right (lyrics here!)
  2. Introduce the activity by asking the children what they think the loudest/quietest animals are.
  3. Bring out the lion & mouse signs and explain that they will be helping you sing your song in primary.
  4. Whenever you hold up the lion, encourage the children to sing as loud and strong as they can. When you switch to the mouse, have them sing as quiet as they can.
  5. Invite a child up to lead the song by holding up the signs one at a time.
  6. Continue singing and have some fun!
Choose the Right Lion & Mouse singing time ideas for LDS Primary music leaders. Grab these adorable printable song helps of a lion and a mouse to teach with using loud and soft singing!

Follow the Leader Adaptation:

To add some extra fun to this activity, play this ‘Follow the Leader’ adaptation! For this version, choose a child to come up and hold up the lion & mouse signs. While you sing, have them alternate between the lion and mouse.

Some kids will want to switch back and forth faster than you can sing! Just remind them to hold the signs very high and don’t switch too fast.

Choose the Right Lion & Mouse singing time ideas for LDS Primary music leaders. Grab these adorable printable song helps of a lion and a mouse to teach with using loud and soft singing!

Extension Ideas:

  • Bring some stuffed animals (teddy bears, dogs, cats) and hide them in a box or gift bag. Invite the children to pick an animal try to sing like the animal they choose.
  • Choose a key word for each dynamic (loud or soft). When you sing those words, sing extra loud or extra softly.
  • Divide the group into two teams. Have one team be the lions and one team be mice Hold up the lion or mouse sign to indicate which side should sing.
Follow the Prophet Listen & Sing singing time ideas for LDS Primary music leaders

You’ll also love this similar singing time idea I used to teach Follow the Prophet with a Listen & Sing activity!

Choose the Right Lion & Mouse Printable Helps

I’ve included this Choose the Right Lion & Mouse Printables to help you with this activity! It includes my cute friends, the lion and mouse! Cut out these pictures and tape them to popsicle sticks or just hold them up during the activity! I chose to print mine out on colored paper to distinguish them even more.

Choose the Right Lion & Mouse singing time ideas for LDS Primary music leaders. Grab these adorable printable song helps of a lion and a mouse to teach with using loud and soft singing!

*PRO TIP: To make your signs last a little longer, laminate them! It doesn’t take too long and keeps your printables nice for a long time!

Choose the Right Lion & Mouse Activity Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders INSTANT Primary Singing Extended Printables

You’ll find additional extended printables including a lesson plan, 1/2 page and colorful Lion & Mouse dynamics signs included in the INSTANT Primary Singing membership when Choose the Right is the featured song of the month!

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

If you’re looking for another way to review this song, you’ll love this Choose the Right Turn & Stomp activity!

Choose the Right Lion & Mouse Activity Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders Choose the Right Turn Stomp 20220215 140902

How did you enjoy this activity? Let us know in the comments!

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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