Choose the Right Turn & Stomp

Build in a ton of song repetition and remembering the keywords in this Choose the Right Turn & Stomp movement activity for Singing Time. It’s especially for helping the children when the correct word is “light” instead of right in those 2 tricky spots when the word changes!

**See all Choose the Right Singing Time Ideas!**

The kids will love this movement activity to Teach Choose the Right Turn & Stomp with 4 fun actions. Printable lesson plan for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Choose the Right Turn & Stomp

How to Play Choose the Right Turn & Stomp:

Sing through Choose the Right before introducing this activity. You might head over here to grab our Choose the Right Flip Chart to help you if introducing this Hymn for the first time.

The kids will love this movement activity to Teach Choose the Right Turn & Stomp with 4 fun actions. Printable lesson plan for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Introduce the first action to turn right every time they sing “right”. Make sure to remind the children to listen closely for the word “light” so they don’t get confused! They’ll end up facing the back of the room, and you can sing through it again to get them facing back to the front or add in a fun spin at the end of the verse!

You might introduce the first action by singing the line acapella, “Choose the right (turn)…” You can add a fun dramatic line here about something in the song made you think you should turn to the right! Do the kids think they can do that too? Add the poster, if you’d like, to remind the children what action you are doing for the word.

The kids will love this movement activity to Teach Choose the Right Turn & Stomp with 4 fun actions. Printable lesson plan for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

After each time through the song, add an additional action while still keeping your first action. In Junior Primary you can just add a new one, without keeping the first action if that helps the children.

Ask for volunteers at the end that think they can do all 4 actions! Let as many willing helpers as you have come up front as everyone sings and tries the actions again together as a group.

Choose the Right Movement Actions:

  • Turn* Right on “Right”
  • Stomp on “Light”
  • Clap on “Choose/Choice”
  • Hop on “You/Your”

*Camille L. from the Facebook group substituted turn for bend right at the middle! This is a awesome alternate for if you’re using helps and want everyone still facing forward!

The kids will love this movement activity to Teach Choose the Right Turn & Stomp with 4 fun actions. Printable lesson plan for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Choose the Right Turn & Stomp Demo Video

Try out this fun pattern with me with this turn & stomp demo video! This is definitely an activity where you’ll need to take a breath after! In this short video, I go through all 4 actions in this pattern and which word goes with each action!

Can you get all the actions correct on the first try? Click on the link below and give it a try with me!

–> Choose the Right Turn & Stomp YouTube Demo Video <–

Choose the Right Turn & Stomp Extension Activities:

  • Have the children help you pick out alternate actions for some of the included actions. You might instead sit/stand on “right” or snap for “choose” for example. Other ideas include: spin, bow, dab, pat, jump, touch your nose, etc!
  • Mix up the actions in a random order and complete each action once per line, instead of connected to a word. For example you might do: Hop/Stomp/Turn/Clap while singing “Choose the Right when a choice is placed before you…” with one action on each of the underlined words following the melody of the song. Repeat the same pattern throughout the whole song, then mix it up again! Practice one sequence then sing through the song again with the new order.
  • Sing Choose the Right in double speed and see if the kids can still keep up with the original actions! The kids always love to sing and do actions fast!
Directional marching poster for singing time

For another fun and similar movement activity, head over to grab the We’ll Bring the World His Truth Directional Marching printables! Easy to adapt to a variety of Primary songs!

Choose the Right Turn & Stomp Singing Time Printable Lesson Plan

You’ll find a great cheat sheet and 1/4 page cards you can cut out and use to help direct each of the 4 actions. They’d be perfect to send home with the Primary kids to let them practice the song (and actions) at home and share them with their family!

The kids will love this movement activity to Teach Choose the Right Turn & Stomp with 4 fun actions. Printable lesson plan for LDS Primary Music Leaders.
Choose the Right Turn & Stomp Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders INSTANT Primary Singing Extended Printables

You’ll find additional extended printables including a printable lesson plan, full page action cards and black and white printables included in the INSTANT Primary Singing membership when Choose the Right is the featured song of the month!

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

Another great activity to use next is these insightful Choose the Right Church Videos! There are 3 awesome videos to pick from to teach about choosing the right.

Choose the Right Turn & Stomp Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders IMG 6439

What other fun movements could you add to this Choose the Right Turn & Stomp singing time activity?

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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