For a neat way to introduce or review Dare to Do Right (archives) in singing time, use this Dare to Do Right Musical Arrangements idea! Simply share a video arrangement or invite someone to come perform for your primary.
This can be an excellent way to familiarize your primary children with this song and help them better understand its message. Let’s dive in!
See all our Dare to Do Right Singing Time Ideas here!
Dare to Do Right Musical Arrangements
Here at Primary Singing, we like to incorporate a variety of primary ideas to keep your kids engaged during singing time. This spiritual connection activity (archives) is meant to be a really simple way to invite the Spirit into your primary room as you teach this song.
I’ve included a list of 3 video arrangements of this song that you might consider sharing in singing time. I’ve also included 3 additional links to musical arrangements that can be performed by your very own ward members! Whether you choose to use a video or live performance, this activity is sure to make an impact on your primary kids.
When using any kind of technology in singing time, I always make sure that my tech works before singing time. There is nothing more frusterating than having wiggly primary children wait as you fumble with technology. I get it! That’s why I like to come a little early and set everything up beforehad and do a quick test-run to make sure it works.
Once you’ve decided which type of arrangement you’ll share, begin singing time by telling the primary children that you will be listening to a special musical number. Invite the children to listen reverently.
After the performance or video is finished, ask a few volunteers to share any feelings they had during the performance. What is this song about? What does it teach us about being followers of Jesus?
Once you’ve had a brief discussion, begin teaching or review the lyrics to Dare to Do Right. If you are introducing this song for the first time, you’ll definitely want to grab our flip chart that includes words and pictures to help you teach this song.
1. Dare to Do Right Accordian Arrangement
This Dare to Do Right arrangement on the accordian is so cool! This video shows two young boys singing this fun song while accompanied by the accordian. What a neat instrument that your primary children likely don’t get to hear very often.
2. Dare to Do Right/Stand for the Right Medley
This medley of the primary songs, Dare to Do Right and Stand for the Right is a perfect choice for this activity! This video also shows footage from an inspirational message about a story told by President Monson years ago. It’s a great one to check out if you haven’t seen it before!
3. Dare to Do Right Sing Along
Get your primary children involved in the action by singing along with me! In this short sing along video, I sing both verses of this primary song with the ukulele. Just click on the video below and sing with me! If this song is brand new to your primary children, maybe listen through the video first, then try singing along!
More Options:
1. Dare to Do Right Children’s Choir Arrangement
This children’s choir arrangement by Terri Hutchings is a great choice if you are looking to share a special musical number of this song in primary. This arrangement has parts for both girls and boys and could be a fun for your activity day group to learn and perform!
2. Dare to Do Right Lead Sheet
This lead sheet is an excellent option if you are looking for someone to come perform for your primary! You can find the song, Dare to Do Right, on page #16 of this big list of primary song lead sheets. Just invite someone to come share their talents with your primary children!
3. Dare to Do Right Medley
This Dare to Do Right/Stand for the Right medley might be neat if you are teaching both songs this year! This arrangement can work as a solo, duet, or small group number. See if any of your primary children want to perform or ask someone in your ward to come perform for you!
For another fun similar activity, head over to see this Seek the Lord Early Musical Number singing time activity!
Extension Activities:
- Share a silent video as you listen to this song. If you’ve never used this type of activity before, the basic idea is to choose a spiritual video that focuses on the message of the song you are learning. Turn the video sound on silent and listen to your pianist play the song in the background. See this The Iron Rod Silent Video lesson for an example.
- Encourage your primary children to think of examples in the scriptures of people who “dared” to do right. Share scripture stories in small groups or ask for volunteers to share with the entire class.
- Create your own video to share with your primary families! Practice singing together, then simply record a short video with your primary children singing the song. Be sure to only share the video with your primary families or ask permission if you plan to share the video with others.
You’ll love this fun Dare to Do Right Drum Pattern idea as you review this song!
What other fun ways will you use this musical arrangements singing time activity in your Primary room?