Dare to Do Right Sign Language

In this fun Dare to Do Right Sign Language activity, you’ll teach the children some simple ASL signs that represent the lyrics to add emphasis and depth to the meaning of the song – daring to do the things that are right!

What better way then to challenge them to try something that might be a little different and difficult to demonstrate the point that we can do hard things when they are right!

I hope you’ll take a little bit of time to teach Dare to Do Right (archives) this year as part of the Book of Mormon Primary Songs list for 2024! It’s not included until November, which means it can be a fun and light song to teach after your program!

See all our Dare to Do Right Singing Time Ideas here!

Dare to Do Right Sign Language singing time idea to teach this fun song with the repeating phrases in a fun way! Printable ASL sign guide for LDS primary music leaders.

Dare to Do Right Sign Language

Sing through Dare to Do Right with this flip chart once, before introducing sign language for the main keywords of the song.

Show the children the first three signs for Dare, Right, and True.

Sign through the song with just these three keywords. They come up a lot and these are 3 fun ASL signs to recreate!

Dare to Do Right Sign Language singing time idea to teach this fun song with the repeating phrases in a fun way! Printable ASL sign guide for LDS primary music leaders.

How many times did we sign Dare? Did not notice? Let’s sing and sign again and try to watch how many times with make this sign for dare. (The answer is 10 times across the first verse and chorus).

Today you were brave enough to dare to do something a little different, learning these couple of words in a different language! What other ways can you dare to do the things you know to be right and true?

Introduce the additional signs two at a time of the rest of the verse and sing through the song after each time adding signs.

Dare to Do Right Sign Language singing time idea to teach this fun song with the repeating phrases in a fun way! Printable ASL sign guide for LDS primary music leaders.

ASL Signs Explained:

  • Dare: Point to your cheek with one finger, then pull the hand away from your face with all 5 fingers spread apart.
  • Right: Point both pointer fingers out and hold the rest of your hands in a fist. Tap one hand on top of the other.
  • True: Start by pointing one finger in front of your chin and then lower the hand down so the finger is pointing to the person in front of you.

Extension Activities:

  • Divide the room into three groups. Assign each group one of these three signs: Dare, Right, True. Invite only that group to sign and sign for their keyword for a fun challenge activity! You can then rotate the signs and sign again two more times with new groups for each of the signs.
  • Invite the children to SKIP singing the words that you have learned ASL signs for. They will need to pay close attention to sing for all of the other words, and skip singing the ASL words.
Dare to Do Right Sign Language singing time idea to teach this fun song with the repeating phrases in a fun way! Printable ASL sign guide for LDS primary music leaders.
  • Divide the room into two (or 3) groups. Invite a teacher to help you teach one sign to each of the groups. Then, have the groups face each other as you sign and demonstrate the keyword that they learned. Invite them to teach the other group their sign. Then sing all together again!
Jesus Has Risen ASL sign language singing time with deep meaning for connecting the song lyrics to the resurrection of Jesus Christ just in time for Easter! Use these printable song helps and lesson plan for LDS Primary music leaders.

For another fun similar activity, head over to see this Jesus Has Risen ASL Signs singing time activity!

Dare to Do Right Sign Language Printable Song Helps

This free in-post printable includes a 1-page pattern guide with ASL signs for the chorus! These signs also repeat at the beginning of each verse.

Dare to Do Right Sign Language singing time idea to teach this fun song with the repeating phrases in a fun way! Printable ASL sign guide for LDS primary music leaders.
Dare to Do Right Sign Language Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders INSTANT Primary Singing Extended Printables

Join INSTANT Primary Singing for extended printables including 6 additional signs for each verse, a signs explanation guide, and a ASL song guide in two sizes. You’ll find these bonus files included when Dare to Do Right is the featured song of the month.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Book of Mormon Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the Book of Mormon year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, Book of Mormon year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

For another great object lesson and singing time activity in one, head over to see this Dare to Do Right Service Scavenger Hunt as you again reinforce the concept of choosing to do the good and right things!

Dare to Do Right Service Scavenger Hunt fun singing time activity with simple service ideas that can be done in about 1 minute as an object lesson that matches the song lyrics! Printable song helps and lesson plan for LDS primary music leaders.

What other fun ways will you use this sign language singing time activity in your Primary room?

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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