This activity is a darling Easter Egg Song Hunt designed to have the children hunt for hidden Easter eggs all around the Primary room with songs on the back of each hidden egg. It’s a perfect low prep activity that’s right on theme for the holiday!
You’ll just print out the cute and colorful Eater eggs I’ve included below or use plastic eggs to replicate the idea with a game the kids will love!
For help picking the perfect Easter songs, you can head her to see our 75+ Primary Easter Song picks to pick a variety to include for this activity or one to learn and sing over and over with this egg hunt.
You will also love this full post with lots of fun Easter Singing Time Ideas!

Easter Egg Song Hunt
Use these fun colorful eggs, or blank ready to color Easter eggs for a cute game of song hunt!
How to Play:
Print out the colorful Easter eggs. Write a variety of song titles on the back of the eggs. Or, alternatively, you could use plastic Easter eggs with a slip of paper inside with a song title. Hide the eggs around the room.

Hide the first egg on the whiteboard. “Find” the egg and explain that there are colorful eggs hidden all around the Primary room! Pick a new volunteer to help you hunt and retrieve ONE hidden Easter egg while you sing through the first song that was written on the back of the egg.
Continue finding eggs and singing the song on the back until you’ve made your way through your singing time.

For more fun twists on this activity, see our extension ideas next!
Easter Egg Song Hunt Extension Ideas
Everyone Hunts: Give the kids 1-2 minutes to color and decorate an Easter egg. Everyone hides their egg and then everyone gets to find a new egg during the next song.
Sing through a list of pre-selected songs or the same song on repeat. After each song, the children get 15 seconds to hide their egg again and return to their seats. Sing and let them hunt for eggs again!

Color & Sing: Let the kids color in an Easter Egg, then write a song on the back. Bring them all up front into an Easter Basket. Shuffle all the colored eggs and draw one randomly. Sing the song on the back! Or, add in a fun mix of ways to sing Primary songs on the back instead to repeat just one song.

Sing or Dare: Put a mix of songs and fun Easter themed dares on the back of the eggs. If a dare is drawn, you’ll draw again after the dare is complete! Fun ideas could include:
- Hop like a bunny
- Everyone makes bunny ears through the next song
- Draw your best bunny on the whiteboard
- Stand still and strong like guards of the Tomb
- Wave your arms like Easter palm leaves during the next song
- Shake an egg shaker during the next song

Easter Egg Match: Print 2 of each color and place them all upside down on the whiteboard. Flip over eggs and look for the matching pairs. When you find a match, sing through the song title written on each or a verse number!
Printable Easter Egg Song Hunt Singing Time
This post includes a free 1-page printable with 9 colorful Easter egg designs.

You’ll find bonus additional printables including a printable lesson plan, 1/4 page and full page Easter eggs and blank Easter eggs that can be customized. These extended files are included in the March Book of Mormon packet.
Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!
Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.
For another fun and unique singing time idea for Easter, see our cute Easter Singing Time Bingo!

What other fun ways could you use these Easter Egg Song Hunt printables?