Help Me Dear Father Flip Chart & Lyrics

I don’t have a lot of experience with this sweet little Primary song, Help Me, Dear Father (archives). But, it’s actually added as one of the recommended song in 3 out of the 4 Come Follow Me Primary song rotation years (Book of Mormon, D&C, and Old Testament).

You can see all of our Come Follow Me Primary songs selections, rotation lists, and ideas over here to help you in your planning!

Today, we have this printable Help Me Dear Father flip chart available in a fun colorful, simple black and white, and slideshow format to fit your Singing Time needs!

Help Me Dear Father Flip chart for Primary Singing Time pictures and lyrics to help you teach this song to the Primary children! A printable resource for LDS Primary music leaders.

Help Me Dear Father Flip Chart

Head over to browse our entire collection of Singing Time Flip Charts to have a complete matching set for all your songs for the year! We are just finishing up all the ones for the Old Testament and will be adding more for the other program years as well.

Help Me Dear Father Flip chart for Primary Singing Time pictures and lyrics to help you teach this song to the Primary children! A printable resource for LDS Primary music leaders.

You may also love this post on how I use flip charts! There are some genius trick there that really help you make the most out of using flip charts in Primary! Plus, a guide on how to make your own, should you need to make a flip chart for any songs I haven’t added yet.

Help Me Dear Father Lyrics

This song is published in the Children’s Songbook Page #99
You can find the Help Me Dear Father sheet music here.

Help Me Dear Father Flip Chart for Primary Singing Time! Printable Primary flip charts in 3 styles: colorful, simple black and white, and slideshow flipchart options.

Verse 1:
Help me, dear Father,
To freely forgive
All who may seem
Unkind to me.

Help Me Dear Father Flip chart for Primary Singing Time pictures and lyrics to help you teach this song to the Primary children! A printable resource for LDS Primary music leaders.

Help me each day,
Father, I pray;
Help me live nearer,
Nearer to thee.

Verse 2:
Help me, dear Father,
To truly repent,
Making things right,
And changing my ways.

“Help Me, Dear Father” by Frances K. Taylor, 1870–1952, added text (verse 2) © 1989 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. Used by permission.

Help Me Dear Father Sing Along Video

Use this lovely Help Me, Dear Father Sing Along video to help you introduce this song to your Primary children or as a wonderful video to send along to families for the kiddos to review the song at home. They’ll feel like they are singing right along with a Primary Music Leader! Please like and subscribe for more wonderful Singing Time helps!

Help Me Dear Father singing time ideas including tons of fun ways to engage with this song including flip chart, singing bee, finger lights, first letters, hand bells, and much more. Resource for LDS Primary music leaders printable song helps.

**See all Help Me Dear Father Singing Time Ideas**

Help Me Dear Father Art Flip Chart

You’ll fall in love with this custom art Help Me Dear Father flip chart that has illustrations designed specifically for this song. It’s a packed full packet with a bunch of different options to best fit your needs, including:

Help Me Dear Father Flip chart for Primary Singing Time pictures and lyrics to help you teach this song to the Primary children! A printable resource for LDS Primary music leaders.
  • Portrait, Landscape, and Slideshow orientations
  • Colorful keywords, color pictures, and Black and White color-in options
  • Picture with word blanks to add your own keywords
  • In both condensed, normal, and expanded spacing to fit your needs.

Go pick up this Help Me Dear Father art flip chart in my shop. It is also available in my Etsy shop here if you prefer that platform.

Help Me Dear Father flip chart and visual aids for LDS Primary music leaders singing time teaching helps with illustrations and lyrics to help teach this song! A Book of Mormon Come Follow Me song pick!

Help Me Dear Father
Singing Time Photo Flip Chart

In our Help Me Dear Father flipchart you’ll find fun colorful keywords and an image that bring the song to life and add interest while focusing on keeping the whole verse on one page. I love that style best because I don’t want to flip through a bunch of pages after every line – it’s way too complicated!

Help Me Dear Father Flip Chart for Primary Singing Time! Printable Primary flip charts in 3 styles: colorful, simple black and white, and slideshow flipchart options.

This flip chart is 2 pages with one page for each verse and chorus combined.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

Help Me Dear Father
Lyrics Flip Chart

Help Me Dear Father Flip Chart for Primary Singing Time! Printable Primary flip charts in 3 styles: colorful, simple black and white, and slideshow flipchart options.

In this simple black and white flip chart for Help Me Dear Father, there’s one page for each of the 2 verse and one for the chorus. I don’t always post the chorus lyrics and I wanted to keep the font extra large, so this one has 3 pages.

Help Me Dear Father Color-in Flip Chart

Here’s another great printable flipchart for Help Me Dear Father that’s easy on your printer with black and white lyrics and a simple graphic you can color in to add some interest and context.

Help Me Dear Father
Slideshow Flip Chart

Now, you’ll be able to grab a slideshow version as well! Simply cast the file to the TV with your phone or laptop and you’ll have instant lyrics up on the screen! This is a 2-page slideshow with one page per verse with chorus.

For a fun and clever way to teach this song, head over to see this Help Me Dear Father First Letters lesson plan!

Help Me Dear Father First Letters singing time ideas with printable song helps to teach this song for LDS Primary music leaders with fun interactive teaching ideas and lesson plan.

Have any feedback about my Help Me Dear Father flip chart? Let me know in the comments!

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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