Create your very own singing time band with this fun Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth Beat vs Rhythm activity! Use this living music (see all ideas) to focus more on the rhythm and sound of this hymn as you review.
In this post, I’ve included 4 simple beat & rhythm patterns that are EASY for both Junior and Primary kiddos to learn and follow. Just grab our printable rhythm cards and pat along as you sing Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth (all activities!).
See all Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth Singing Time Ideas!
Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth Beat vs Rhythm
The basic idea behind this activity is to try some different patterns that focus on the beat or rhythm in the song in a fun way!
The cool thing about this activity is that you can use ANY type of rhythmic instrument. You can keep it simple with just body percussion, or you can add in some rhythmic instruments, like egg shakers, jingle bells, maori or rhythm sticks, or sand blocks!
If you are squirming in your seat at the sound of the words, “beat” and “rhythm,” we’ve got your back! These patterns are super simple and easy to catch on to, even if you don’t read music.
If you’d like to incorporate some simple visuals, I’ve created printable beat & rhythm cards included later in this post. Just print and post the cards on the board as you try each pattern.
At the beginning of singing time, start by reviewing one verse of Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth (lyrics here).
Invite the children to notice the rhythms in the song. It’s okay if your primary children are not familiar with musical terms! Just pay attention to the general feel of the song.
Then, demonstrate the basic beat of the song by tapping or patting your knees on each beat. For this song, you’ll have 4 consistent pats per measure. This is the beat! Then, demonstrate the basic rhythm by patting your knees on each note. Do you hear the difference?
For the second time through the song, try patting your knees on every WORD in the song. This means you’ll only pat one time for every word, even if that word is drawn out across a few notes.
Then, try a new rhythm! This rhythm will be similar to the one demonstrated at the beginning, except that you’ll alternate patting knees on every note. Continue trying some fun rhythms as you practice this song together!
4 Beat & Rhythm Patterns:
I’ve included 4 fun patterns to use as you distinguish between beat & rhythm in the song. In the examples below, I’ve used a slash mark to indicate each pat.
1. Pat knees on every WORD
For this pattern, simply pat your knees for each word in the song. Here’s a simple example:
Home / can / be / a / heaven / on / earth / when / we / are / filled / with / love. /
2. Alternate pats on every NOTE
For this pattern, you’ll want to pat your knees every time the note changes. Alternate using your left and right hand each time. In the example below, blue indicates left hand and red indicates right hand.
Bring / – ing / hap – / pi – / ness / and / joy, / rich / bless – / ings / from / a – / bove. /
3. Alternate pats every FOUR COUNTS
This pattern focuses more on the beat of the song. Simply pat on each beat of the measure with one hand, then switch to your other hand for the next measure. Each measure will get 4 beats. For the example below, switch hands at each slash mark.
Warmth and kindness, / charity, / safety and se – / curity, /
4. Fast pat on KEY WORDS
For this pattern, pat fast like a drumroll on key words. Here are some key words for each line:
“Home, “heaven,” “earth,” “love,” “happiness,” “joy,” “blessings,” “above,” “warmth,” “kindness,” “charity,” “safety,” “security,” “home,” “heaven.”
Extension Activities:
- Cut out and fold each rhythm card. During primary, have a child randomly draw a card to decide which pattern you’ll try as you sing! Then, pick a new pattern!
- For an extra challenge, have one side of the room pat on each WORD while the other side pats on each NOTE. Can you keep track of your pattern?
- Pick a different movement, like clapping your hands, snapping your fingers, or tapping your shoulders. Choose a different movement to try with each pattern as you sing.
For another fun similar activity, head over to see this We’ll Bring the World His Truth Beat vs Rhythm singing time activity!
Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth Beat vs Rhythm Printable Song Helps
This free in-post printable includes simple 1/4 page beat & rhythm cards to use while learning these fun patterns!
Join INSTANT Primary Singing for extended printables including 4 additional beat vs rhythm patterns and full page cards! You’ll find these bonus files included when Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth is the featured song of the month.
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For another way to review this song, head over to this Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth Feeling Cards idea and focus on the message of this song using your senses!
What other fun ways will you use this beat vs rhythm singing time activity in your Primary room?