I Hope They Call Me on a Mission Sand Blocks

Are you so excited to be teaching I Hope They Call Me on a Mission in Primary? The kids will have a blast getting in movement, feeling the melody, and learning the song with this I Hope They Call Me on a a Mission Sand Blocks rhythms lesson plans.

This cute and upbeat song is only included as a suggested Primary song for Old Testament Come Follow Me years, so if you love it as much as I do, make sure you spend a little bit of time with this one! Even if it’s just a short activity for a week or two, you won’t regret it!

*All Ideas for Teaching I Hope They Call Me on a Mission Singing Time Ideas*

I Hope They Call on a Mission Sand Blocks fun singing time idea for LDS Primary music leaders to follow along with the underlying piano track and the melody with these 2 unique patterns for teaching this song!

Teaching I Hope That Call Me on a Mission Sand Blocks Activity

Sing through I Hope They Call Me on a Mission lyrics once, before introducing the activity.

Have your pianist to play just the lower track of notes (if she’s capable – ask in advance!) or play the audio track without the lyrics.

Ask: Did you hear that fun little melody in the background? What did it sound like? Can you sing that little melody with me?

I Hope They Call on a Mission Sand Blocks fun singing time idea for LDS Primary music leaders to follow along with the underlying piano track and the melody with these 2 unique patterns for teaching this song!

Show them the pattern you will use that follows the background melody, rather than the singing notes. Ask them to try it with their hands while you sing through the first verse.

Start with one hand up high and the other hand down low, bring them together, then back far apart with your hands in the opposite direction. In this way, one hand will always be up high, and the other down low, except when they meet right in the middle on the highest note.

Demonstrate with them 2 more times the intro and just the right time to come in with singing the notes.

Now, you’re ready to pass out sand blocks and have the kids join in on the fun!

I Hope They Call on a Mission Sand Blocks fun singing time idea for LDS Primary music leaders to follow along with the underlying piano track and the melody with these 2 unique patterns for teaching this song!

Sing through I Hope They Call Me on a Mission (archives) with sand blocks! The kids may or may not sing the first time through as they concentrate on controlling the blocks in their hands. Don’t worry! Their brains are working hard!

Sing through the song again, and this time, remind them to sing along with you as they do the actions!

Invite one class to come up front at a time to demonstrate with the actions to sing on repeat a few more times.

I Hope They Call on a Mission Sand Blocks fun singing time idea for LDS Primary music leaders to follow along with the underlying piano track and the melody with these 2 unique patterns for teaching this song!

Second / Alternate Pattern:

To switch it up, or if you’re looking for a similar alternative, you’ll use the 4-beat measure that follows along with the lyrics for this next pattern.

Start with a pat on the lap, then clap twice bringing those sand blocks together, and finally raise them up in front of you.

Pat / Clap-Clap / Up = I / hope they / call ~  me on / a mis- / -sion

Video Demo Teaching I Hope They Call Me on a Mission Sand Block Pattern

If a visual will help you better follow along with how this Sand Blocks pattern works, see this helpful short video that walks you through a demo of both patterns! Just watch it here in the post (above) or you can click here to see the video on our Singing Time Ideas YouTube Playlist!

I Hope They Call on a Mission Sand Blocks fun singing time idea for LDS Primary music leaders to follow along with the underlying piano track and the melody with these 2 unique patterns for teaching this song!

Extension Activities:

  • Have the children hum the fun melody from that bottom line of notes, instead of the words! They’ll have the song stuck in their head all week with that fun plunky tune!
  • Ask the children to come up with a fun sequence of actions to try! They are super creative and will have lots of ideas!
  • Try the motion on double speed! Twice per measure or what will feel like 4 times per “set” of Duh-duh-da-da-duh-duh’s.
I Hope They Call Me on a Mission Sand Blocks Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders How to Make Sand Block Instruments

Head over to this post where I share how to easily make and use sand block instruments! It will walk you step-by-step and give you lots of helps, too!

Printable I Hope They Call Me on a Mission Sand Blocks Singing Time Ideas

This printable will help give you a visual to share for those children that may like the extra reference – or even to help keep you on track while you’re leading! It’s a cute visual representation of each of the 2 patterns one with a number guide and one without.

Plus, as always, you’ll find helpful singing time instructions and extension activities to keep this idea neatly tucked away in your Singing Time binder until you’re ready to use it!

I Hope They Call on a Mission Sand Blocks fun singing time idea for LDS Primary music leaders to follow along with the underlying piano track and the melody with these 2 unique patterns for teaching this song!

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
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Add in fun movement while learning I Hope They Call Me on a Mission with this Step Up March singing time activity!

I Hope They Call Me on a Mission Step Up March singing time idea for LDS Primary music leaders - a fun movement activity and way to teach this song!

What other unique I Hope They Call Me on a Mission Sand Block patterns did your Primary come up with?

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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