I love to include at least one hymn each year as I think it helps the children feel more a part of Sacrament meeting when they can recognize some of the music! I Believe in Christ (archives) is a beautiful hymn that has a lot of meaning and can be a great one to teach a verse or two to your Primary children.
In this I Believe in Christ Pitch Leading activity, you’ll teach the children where the notes rise and fall in an interactive way that will help add important emphasis, too! Will you be teaching this song as part of the Book of Mormon Primary Songs for Come Follow Me this year?
See all of our I Believe in Christ Teaching Ideas!

I Believe in Christ Pitch Leading
Sing through I Believe in Christ with this flip chart once, before introducing this activity. I recommend picking a particular verse to focus on, and just singing through that one verse. You can add additional verses you’ve learned at the end of the activity if you’d like.
Sing the first line of the song and demonstrate pitch leading. Ask the children what they noticed. What was my hand doing? Right! It was following the notes as they stayed the same or moved higher or lower.

Put the pitch leading signs up on the board. Ask the children to try pitch leading along with you. You’ll hold your hand flat and parallel to the ground. Start with your hand about chest height and then make a distinct movement for each note. When the note repeats you can simply press your hand forward slightly and back to mark the note again.
Ask the children what they noticed about the notes that repeat a bunch of the same notes in a row. What did we sing for that part? Did you hear it? Let’s try it again and watch and listen for that part. (I believe in Christ) Do you believe in Christ? What things help you to believe?

How does the music feel when you go up, up, up in notes? Let’s increase in volume as we go up and lower our volume as we go lower in notes. Sing through the song again building volume and momentum as you go up the scale.
End by sharing your testimony of your belief in Christ and how they can feel His Spirit in their lives to testify that He lives!

Extension Activities:
- Scramble up the pitch order cards and see if they can find which pitch leading card comes next! You can cut the 2-per page verses in half and trim off the page clues.
- Divide the room into 2 or 4 groups. Assign which parts they should do the pitch leading for. Invite them to stand on their part and lead the pitch while the other groups sing. It will work best if they are assigned in order with the first group doing 1, 3, 5, and 7 or 1 and 5 then moving down the line so you can point to the next group easily to lead the next section of notes.
For another fun similar activity, head over to see this I Want to Be a Missionary Now Melody Map singing time activity!
I Believe in Christ Pitch Leading Printable Song Helps
This free in-post printable includes the 1/2 page pitch leading guide in black and white.

Join INSTANT Primary Singing for extended printables including a larger pitch leading chart and colorful versions, plus a color-coded pitch leading chart for the 1st verse. You’ll find these bonus files included when I Believe in Christ is the featured song of the month.
Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!
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For another wonderful way to teach this song, head over to this I Believe in Christ Testimony Cards singing time activity.
What other fun ways will you use this pitch leading singing time activity in your Primary room?