Looking for a fun way to incorporate movement as you teach My Own Sacred Grove (archives) in primary this month? This My Own Sacred Grove Be My Mirror activity is the perfect way to get everyone moving while singing this reverent song!
This low-prep singing time idea will have your primary children spinning in place, kicking their feet, and doing the disco! Let’s jump in and I’ll share all my tips & tricks to make this activity a hit!
*See ALL My Own Sacred Grove Singing Time Ideas here*

My Own Sacred Grove Be My Mirror
Sometimes we all need a little movement break! If you find that you have wiggly primary children, this activity is for you! With little to no prep work, this mirror activity can be a great way to get those wiggles out while still getting in lots of song practice.
This fun purposeful movement activity (archives) can be used to review any part of this song you are teaching. The basic idea behind this activity is to pretend there is a giant mirror between you and the kids. During singing time, see how well they can copy your every move!
You really don’t need any additional prep materials for this activity besides a few movements that are ready to go! To help make your singing time prep even easier, I’ve included some easy movement ideas to get you thinking.

Before introducing this activity, start by reviewing the first verse and chorus of My Own Sacred Grove (flip chart here).
Then, tell the children to imagine there is a BIG mirror in the room. Can you follow my movements? Start by having the kids stand up. Then, try a few simple actions, like waving “hello” or holding one arm up at a time. Are you following along?
Now let’s try it while we sing! You’ll have to watch carefully and copy my moves! As you sing, start with one movement, like stepping from side to side. After a line or two, switch to a new action! Can you blow air kisses? Cover your eyes? Stomp in place?
This activity works well because it really requires full attention! If you notice that the children are focusing more on the actions and not singing, pause the action for a moment and just sing. Once they are “copying” you by singing, add a movement.
For a spiritual tie in, explain that just as the children had to pay close attention, Joseph Smith needed to carefully listen and follow as he was given direction to restore the Church. As we follow Jesus Christ and listen to the Holy Ghost, we can also receive revelation.

10 Be My Mirror Actions:
Here’s a list of 10 silly & fun actions to mirror during singing time! Feel free to add to this list as you prepare for this activity! If you plan to draw actions from a jar, grab my printable version of this list later in the post.
- Kick Your Feet
- Hug Yourself
- Side Steps
- Air Kisses
- Disco Arms
- Clap Your Hands
- Cover Your Eyes
- Stomp
- Spin Around
- Jump Up

Extension Activities:
- Choose a volunteer to come up and be the leader! Place the actions in a jar and have a volunteer come up and choose a movement. When you transition from the verse to the chorus, pick a new movement.
- Make it a partner activity! Group the children in pairs of two. Have each partnership take turns being the leader and being the mirror. If you have a larger primary, split into bigger groups of 3-4.
- Have the children mirror you vocally by switching between singing loud/soft. You can also try singing with different accents or character voices.
- For an extra challenge, try doing the opposite of each action! If you kick your feet, hold still as best as you can! Or, quietly tiptoe to do the opposite of stomping!
For another fun similar activity with even more action ideas, head over to see this Stand For the Right Mirror Your Partner singing time activity!
My Own Sacred Grove Be My Mirror Printable Song Helps
This free in-post printable includes 10 action cards to use along with this fun movement activity! Use this list to spark your own ideas or print out these cards to pull from throughout the activity.

Join INSTANT Primary Singing for extended printables including 1/4 page and full page action cards with symbols! You’ll find these bonus files included in the My Own Sacred Grove packet in my shop and in the INSTANT D&C Access membership as a bonus song.
Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!
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Head over to this My Own Sacred Grove Scrambled Lyrics activity for a fun way to focus on the words!
What other fun ways will you use this be my mirror singing time activity in your Primary room?