My Redeemer Lives Flip Chart & Lyrics

Teaching this song will be easier than ever with the My Redeemer Lives Flip Chart available below. Just pick your favorite style and print or download the flip chart!

I somehow missed making a flip chart for this song last year as part of the list of Old Testament Primary Songs. But, better late than never, right?

If helpful, you’ll love this list as a reference for which songs to teach each year so you avoid repeats with this Suggested Come Follow Me Songs by Year! Use it as a starting point with prayer to help you pick out your songs for the year.

My Redeemer Lives Flipchart & Lyrics

My Redeemer Lives Flip Chart

This song is a wordy one and one that’s not too familiar to the Primary children so it is a great one to include a flip chart! You can see how I use flip charts to help you make the most out of your flip charts in Primary.

My Redeemer Lives Flip Chart & Lyrics

Plus, don’t miss the entire collection of printable Singing Time Flip Charts on that landing page! You can find them alphabetically or scroll down to see the list by program year.

My Redeemer Lives Lyrics

This song can be found in the Green LDS Hymn Book page #135.
You can find the My Redeemer Lives sheet music here.

Verse 1:
I know that my Redeemer lives,
Triumphant Savior, Son of God,
Victorious over pain and death,
My King, my Leader, and my Lord.

Verse 2:
He lives, my one sure rock of faith,
The one bright hope of men on earth,
The beacon to a better way,
The light beyond the veil of death.

Verse 3:
Oh, give me thy sweet Spirit still,
The peace that comes alone from thee,
The faith to walk the lonely road
That leads to thine eternity.

“My Redeemer Lives” words by Gordon B. Hinckley (1910–2008) music by G. Homer Durham (1911–1985) © 1985 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. Used by Permission.

My Redeemer Lives
Singing Time Flip Chart

This printable colorful flip chart includes 3 pages, one for each verse, to make it super easy to know exactly when to flip pages and follow along. You can print just the verses you plan to teach!

My Redeemer Lives Flipcharts & Lyrics

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

My Redeemer Lives
Lyrics Flip Chart Printable

If you love simplicity best, try out our lyrics only printable flip chart that is a landscape orientation so you won’t even have to hold it up! Just flip it over the podium in a binder.

My Redeemer Lives Lyrics Flip Chart

My Redeemer Lives
Slideshow Flip Chart

If you’re one of the lucky ones with a TV in your Primary room, you’ll LOVE this new print-free option! Just download the PDF and cast it to the screen to display the lyrics without any fuss.

Have any feedback about my My Redeemer Lives flip chart? Let me know in the comments!

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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