Use your logic skills to figure out how each of these O Little Town of Bethlehem Picture Puzzles relate to the song lyrics as you teach the song line by line to reinforce the song lyrics. It’s a fun visual and deep logical conclusions learning style that will help the kids be engaged in your lesson plan.
O Little Town of Bethlehem (archives) is a great song to teach as a Christmas Song any year, but it’s specifically included on the recommended song list as part of the 2025 D&C Primary Songs list in December! Will you teach it this year?
**See all O Little Town of Bethlehem Singing Time Ideas**

O Little Town of Bethlehem Picture Puzzles
Sing through O Little Town of Bethlehem once, before starting this activity. This is a great way to transition from another activity or remind the children of the song lyrics before adding a fun activity to the mix.
You can use any of these O Little Town of Bethlehem Flip Charts to help you review the song at the beginning of Singing Time.

Now, show the children the first picture puzzle, and see if they can decode the line of the song. I’ll include the descriptions of each picture puzzle to help! What do they see and notice in each of the picture puzzles? How does it fit the lyrics?
Sing through the song as far as you have decoded the picture puzzles with each time starting back from the beginning of the song and singing up through that point in the lyrics. Building up the song like this is a great way to add in lots of singing repetition and help the children better remember what they just learned.

Picture Puzzles Key:
- Town is written in a little font – “O little town”. The picture of the town is showing how “still we see thee lie”
- The silent stars are “going by” and are above Jesus’ in a deep sleep
- The town and street are shown in a dark color. The star is spreading everlasting light with the symbol of eternity.
- People’s Hopes and Fears are meeting at night.

Extension Activities:
- For a harder challenge, post all of the picture puzzles for the verses up on the board. Have the children sort them by verse and put them in order! Then, help you decode what each one means.
- Pick an action to represent each line of the song and match the picture. As you sing each picture puzzle, do your action together! Here are some examples you could use:
- Freeze in Place as you see the “still” town
- Wave your arms above your head like stars going by
- Draw a figure 8 for the everlasting light
- Shake hands with a neighbor as the hopes and fears “meet” tonight
For another fun similar activity, head over to see this As I Search the Holy Scriptures Picture Puzzle singing time idea!
O Little Town of Bethlehem Picture Puzzles Printable Song Helps
This free in-post printable includes 4 picture puzzles for the first verse in 1/4 page size.

Join INSTANT Primary Singing for extended printables including 14 different picture puzzles that cover all 3 verses, full page picture puzzles, and black and white printables. You’ll find these bonus files included when O Little Town of Bethlehem is the featured song of the month.
Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!
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You won’t want to miss this lovely O Little Town of Bethlehem Descant part and Group Singing idea next!
What other fun ways will you use this rebus singing time activity in your Primary room?