Peace in Christ Flip Chart & Lyrics

If you’re looking for a perfect showcase song for including in your New Testament Primary Song Picks, look no further than including Peace in Christ (archives)! It’s an absolutely beautiful song and was the mutual theme so it’s already pre-approved and available on the church website!

You can grab the Peace in Christ Sheet Music on That’ll make it a cinch to include as a song to teach this year with no cost for the sheet music.

For more song suggestions, head over to see our Suggested Come Follow Me Songs by Year! It’s a great starting point for planning which songs to teach year after year, even if you pick different songs that my rotation.

Peace in Christ Flip Chart for LDS Primary Music Leaders - printable singing time song helps and lyrics

Peace in Christ Flip Chart

You’ll be able to easily teach Peace in Christ using this flip chart with a page for each verse and a page for the chorus. I love to make Primary Flip Charts for Singing Time that are easy to use and don’t require a ton of pages to flip through.

One of my tips and tricks for using flip charts for singing time is to simplify to fewer pages so you’re not struggling to flip through pages and lead music at the same time!

Did you know I have a cheat sheet with 10 Singing Time Ideas using Flip Charts? It’s a great resource to help you quickly teach a song using your flipchart in unique ways!

Peace in Christ Flip Chart for LDS Primary Music Leaders - printable singing time song helps and lyrics

Peace in Christ Lyrics

This song is written by Nik Day and is published on the church website. It is considered pre-approved to teach in Primary. You can find the Peace in Christ sheet music here.

Verse 1:

There is peace in Christ
When we learn of Him.
Feel the love He felt for us
When He bore our sins.
Listen to His words.
Let them come alive.
If we know Him as He is,
There is peace in Christ.


He gives us hope
When hope is gone.
He gives us strength
When we can’t go on.
He gives us shelter
In the storms of life.
When there’s no peace on earth,
There is peace in Christ.

Verse 2:

There is peace in Christ
When we walk with Him
Through streets of Galilee To Jerusalem.
Mend the broken hearts.
Dry the tear-filled eyes.
When we live the way He lived,
There is peace in Christ.

“Peace in Christ” by Nik Day © 2021 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. Used by Permission.

Peace in Christ
Singing Time Flip Chart

This colorful printable Peace in Christ Flip Chart is 3 pages long, with a single page for each of the 2 verses and a page for the chorus. Despite packing all the lyrics from each verse on one page, it’s still a large and easy to read font and includes colorful keywords and pictures to draw in the kids attention!

Peace in Christ Flip Chart for LDS Primary Music Leaders - printable singing time song helps and lyrics

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

Peace in Christ
Simple Flip Chart Printable

If you’re looking for a printer-friendly option or something perfect to display the lyrics without having to hold them, you’ll love this landscape Peace in Christ flipchart! It’s black and white and a bold easy to read font. Just print and flip over the podium to have the words while you focus on other activities for teaching this song.

Peace in Christ Flip Chart for LDS Primary Music Leaders - printable singing time song helps and lyrics

Peace in Christ
Slideshow Flip Chart

Now, for a tech-friendly option, you’ll love this Peace in Christ slideshow flipchart option! It will let you display the lyrics up on a TV screen or monitor, while you focus on teaching the song!

Have any feedback about my Peace in Christ flip chart? Let me know in the comments!

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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