Redeemer of Israel Jingle Bells

Are you ready to dive in with this super fun Redeemer of Israel Jingle Bells activity? The kids will love shaking with all their might on the selected keywords and it’s a great balance between control and a little chaos to get out their noise, but with purpose!

I’ve added tons of fun ways to adapt and extend this activity to help it best fit your Primary group, kids ages, and Primary size!

**See all Redeemer of Israel Singing Time Ideas Here**

Redeemer of Israel jingle bells singing time

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Redeemer of Israel Jingle Bells

How to Play:

Sing through Redeemer of Israel (flip chart) once before bringing out the jingle bell bracelets. We love bringing out our Jingle Bells and it’s easy to pick up a set of Jingle Bell Bracelets for cheap on Amazon! I love how colorful and fun this set is!

Now, explain to the kids that they’ll need to focus, because we’re going to ring only for some of the special select words from the song. Do you think you can follow the pattern?

Post the keyword poster up on the board, then show them an example by singing the first line and only ringing the bells as fast and long as you can while singing “Redeemer” then freeze the bells! Ring them out again on “delight.”

Redeemer of Israel jingle bells singing time

Can you do it just like that? I want to see how LOUD you can ring on the keywords and how perfectly still you can hold the bells on all the other words. Let’s try it together! Pass out jingle bell bracelets.

Sing through your selected first doing a loud consistent jingle for each of the keywords.

Now, let’s try it again and see if we can add one single jingle for all the “other” words.

REDEEMER / of / Israel / our / only / DELIGHT

Redeemer of Israel jingle bells singing time

Next do you think you can shake on a steady beat following the time signature? Add a jump on each of the keywords!

Now, you can repeat or mix and match any of the ideas above or add in these fun extension activities below to add in more variety!

More Fun Ways to Teach Redeemer of Israel Jingle Bell Patterns

Redeemer of Israel jingle bells singing time

Color Groups – Split the Primary up into 2 groups – one for each of the colors. (Ex: Red and Blue for the 1st verse). Have the kids only ring their bells on their colored words. You can point to their side of the room as a signal for Junior. Which side of the room can sing out the best?

Special Bell Words – Ring out the bells high above their heads OR tap the jingle bells on your palm for the special keyword with the bell marked next to it. This is just a fun bonus activity to keep them alert and paying attention.

Quiet Time – Try whisper singing and shaking super quiet for the keywords for a fun twist.

Redeemer of Israel jingle bells singing time

Skip Singing – Can you skip singing the keywords and just shake once for each syllable/note you would sing out instead.

Tag Team Singing – Alternate singing every other line. The red side starts, singing “Redeemer of Israel” then it switches to blue for “our only delight” following the matching keyword for the line.

Choose the Right hymn jingle bells singing time idea

For another fun singing time lesson plan using jingle bells, head over to see our Choose the Right Jingle Bells lesson plan!

Redeemer of Israel Jingle Bells Demo Video

There are so many fun ways to use this jingle bell idea! In this video, I’ll show you the basic pattern for this activity and provide some additional, more challenging versions of this jingle bell pattern! What other fun ways can you think of to use this pattern?

–> Redeemer of Israel Jingle Bells Demo Video <–

Redeemer of Israel Jingle Bells Printable Singing Time Lesson Plan

This printable lesson plan includes a helpful 1-page overview of how to use this activity in singing time plus fun extension ideas to help you adapt the lesson to fit your Primary size and time available.

Then, you’ll find a printable keyword chart for the first 3 verses with just one printable page per verse. I recommend picking just one verse for this activity and using one of our other fun Redeemer of Israel singing time ideas (archives) to teach additional verses!

Redeemer of Israel jingle bells singing time ideas for LDS Primary Music Leaders. Ring out on these select keywords with vigor and then add in some fun challenge patterns, next! Printable song helps for singing time to teach this song.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
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Head over next to see our fun Redeemer of Israel Shadow Puppets singing time activity!

Redeemer of Israel Shadow Puppets singing time

What other fun ideas do you have to add on to these Redeemer of Israel Jingle Bell patterns? Did you try this in your Primary? How did it go?

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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