Primary Review Game – Stars and Stripes

If you’ll be in town for the 4th, you can have fun with whatever songs you choose in this Primary Review Game Stars and Stripes Singing Time idea! It’s my own unique spin on a classic Sing or Dare game.

The game includes singing, trivia, and challenges for a singing time everyone will love! This leaves room for lots of kids to participate and for you to incorporate some Patriotic Fun while still working on any songs your Primary may need to review!

Primary Review Game Stars and Stripes is a cute themed Sing or Dare game for Singing Time in July! Includes printables for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Primary Review Game Stars and Stripes

How to Play:

  • Write Songs on the back of the Blue Stars. When a child picks a song, they’ll help you lead with a fun wand the song under the star!
  • The Red Stripes are trivia questions about America!
    • I’ve included 14 options, choose your favorite page or mix-and-match until you have 7 questions you like! You might print them all and use harder ones for JR Primary and easier questions for Senior Primary.
  • The White Stripes are easy challenges the kids can try.
    • I’ve included 12 different challenges, but again you’ll want to just include your 6 favorites for the game.
  • I plan to cluster the stars on the left and the stripes alternating red and white on the right side of the board.
  • Choose a child that is participating to come up to pick a star or a stripe of their choice! Then, they’ll answer the trivia question, try their best at the challenge, or help you lead for the song picked!
Primary Review Game - Stars and Stripes Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders Stars and Stripes Review Game 2

USA Trivia Questions

  What is the National Bird?
  Name 3 US Presidents.
  Name 10 US States.
  How many Stars are on the US Flag?
  What is the Biggest State in the USA?
  Name the Capital of Your State.
  Which US State has the most people?
  Who was the First US President?
  Why are there 13 Strips on the US Flag?
  How long does a President serve?
  What explorer discovered America?
  How many States are in the USA?

Trivia Question Answers:

  • What is the National Bird? Bald Eagle
  • How many Stars are on the US Flag? 50 – one for each of the 50 States.
  • What is the Biggest State in the USA? Alaska, about twice the size of Texas!
  • Which US State has the most people? California has the highest population. Followed by Texas.
  • Who was the First US President? George Washington.
  • Why are there 13 Strips on the US Flag? Represent original 13 colonies.
  • How long does a President serve? A president is elected to serve for a 4-year term. He can be re-elected and serve for up to 8 years.
  • What explorer discovered America? Christopher Columbus is most commonly credited with discovering America. The Jaredites in the Book of Mormon settled in the Promised Land first!
  • How many States are in the USA? There are 50 States plus the District of Columbia.
Primary Review Game - Stars and Stripes Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders stars and stripes game

Patriotic Challenges:

  Do a somersault.
  Do the YMCA during one song.
  Act out grilling hamburgers.
  Stand like the Statue of Liberty.
  Ride a Horse like George Washington.
  March like a Solider during one song.
  Draw an American Flag.
  Say the Pledge of Allegiance.
  Sing part of the National Anthem.
  Jump like a Firework during one song.

Stars and Stripes Printable Review Game

Today, I’m sharing my printable version of this Stars and Stripes game. It’s 7 pages, and you’ll want to print at least 4 pages of the document. I provided a few extra options for trivia and challenges so that you had options to work with, but you won’t have to print them all if you decide not to.

Primary Review Game - Stars and Stripes Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders Stars and Stripes Review Game


  • Print page 2 and 3 on Blue Cardstock, then cut out the stars.
  • Print page 4 and/or 5 on Red Cardstock, then cut out the stripes. You can mix and match the stripes from these two pages, but you’ll want to include 7 Red Stripes.
  • Print page 6 and/or 7 on White Cardstock, then cut out the stripes. You can mix and match the stripes from these two pages, but you’ll want to include 6 white Stripes.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

Do you have any other fun ideas for trivia questions or challenges to add to this game? Leave them in the comments!!

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

4 thoughts on “Primary Review Game – Stars and Stripes”

  1. I think I’m going to simplify it a little and instead of making it a review I’ll use the trivia questions to give the next phrase of the song we will be learning. We started When he comes again so we need to work on the second verse. I figure if they get a question correct I’ll give them the next phrase and we’ll sing the song to that point. I don’t know still debating. Thanks for the idea

  2. You are amazing and making the lives of sooo many so much better. Not everyone got those gifts!
    I for one am sooo than kful for you!!


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