It’s so fun to have a Pioneer song on the Doctrine & Covenants Primary Songs list this year! It’s such an important part of the history and story this year. Have you ever taught To Be a Pioneer (archives) before? If not – this is the year to do it!
To help you teach this song, I’ve got several different To Be a Pioneer Flip Chart options to easily introduce this song in your own Primary room.

To Be a Pioneer Flip Chart
You don’t want to miss this list of Primary Singing Time Flip Charts with more than 100 different songs included with a variety of flip charts styles for each one!

Another wonderful resource to help new music leaders is this post on how I use flip charts in Primary. It also includes instructions for adding flip charts for your own songs if you don’t find the songs you’re looking for!
To Be a Pioneer Lyrics
This song is published in the Children’s Songbook Page #218
You can find To Be a Pioneer sheet music here.
Verse 1:
You don’t have to push a handcart,
Leave your fam’ly dear,
Or walk a thousand miles or more
To be a pioneer!

Optional descant (verse 1):
We are marching, ever marching.
We are marching, ever marching,
Marching onward, ever onward.
We are pioneers; we’re marching
Verse 2:
You do need to have great courage,
Faith to conquer fear,
And work with might for a cause that’s right
To be a pioneer!

Optional descant (verse 2):
We are marching, ever marching.
We are marching, ever marching,
Marching onward, ever onward.
We are pioneers!
“To Be a Pioneer” by Ruth Muir Gardner (1927-1999) arranged by Vanja Y. Watkins (b. 1938) © 1980 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. Used by permission.
To Be a Pioneer Sing Along Video
Introduce this sweet song with this To Be a Pioneer Sing Along Video. It’s a great way to let the children hear the music before you dive in to start teaching the song. This is also a perfect resource to send to families so they can fill their home with this lovely Primary song or review the music during the month you plan to teach this song.
To Be a Pioneer Illustrated Flip Chart
You’ll love this option for the Illustrated To Be a Pioneer flip chart that includes all the formats and styles you could hope for, plus personalized illustrations designed to help teach the song lyrics!

This flip chart packet includes both portrait and landscape (plus a slideshow) orientations. You’ll find both colorful and black and white printable options. Plus it includes a condensed (1 page per verse) and normal spacing options (2 pages per verse) to best fit your needs!
You can find the To Be a Pioneer Illustrated Flip Chart in my shop. It is also available in my Etsy shop here, if you prefer that platform.

To Be a Pioneer
Singing Time Flip Chart
You’ll love this option with a portrait condensed flip chart that uses pictures from the gospel library to bring the words to life in a new way.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!
Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.
To Be a Pioneer Lyrics Flip Chart Printable
For a more printer friendly option, you’ll love this lyrics-only version of the flip chart that can help you with displaying lyrics in a simple way with no extra frills.
To Be a Pioneer Slideshow Flip Chart
Another go-to option is this slideshow style that is designed with a landscape orientation and can easily be displayed on a tablet or TV screen to let everyone easily see the lyrics while you lead your teaching activities.
To Be a Pioneer Teaching Ideas
Continue over to this post with a bunch of great ways and ideas to teach To Be a Pioneer in your Primary room! There’s a variety of teaching methods with different learning styles. You’ll also find a sing-along video great for helping your Primary learn this song or introducing it for the first time.

Have any feedback about my To Be a Pioneer flip chart? Let me know in the comments!