We’ll Bring the World His Truth Song Story

I love teaching We’ll Bring the World His Truth (archives) in my Primary! It’s such a wonderful song that goes right along with teaching of their important role in the Gathering of Israel!

In this We’ll Bring the World His Truth Song Story activity you’ll share a story that the kids can relate to from their own lives with this sweet baptism story! As you share the story, you’ll sing a line of the song at a time interspersed throughout the story, and you’ll have the kids attention hooked!

I even have two additional fun ways to use this activity, to make it unique, fresh, and even more interactive for the kiddos – so don’t miss those below!

See all We’ll Bring the World His Truth Singing Time Ideas!!

We'll Bring the World His Truth Song Story singing time idea! Share a story of children's baptism day and sharing the gospel truth with their friends! It's a great easy lesson plan that helps the children connect the song lyrics with their own lives. Find printable song helps in the post for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

We’ll Bring the World His Truth Song Story

I love to use a Song Story after a transition from a high energy activity. Start to read and share the story with as much storytelling and big gestures as you can. You can use the story below as a guide, by try to add as much eye contact as you can.

You don’t need any transition. Just finish up your previous activity and jump right in with telling the kids that you have a story to share with them today. I like to make my voice start quiet so the room quiets down and all focus is back on me.

We'll Bring the World His Truth Song Story singing time idea! Share a story of children's baptism day and sharing the gospel truth with their friends! It's a great easy lesson plan that helps the children connect the song lyrics with their own lives. Find printable song helps in the post for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Read and sing your way through the song story. You’ll pause at parts of the story and sing the line acapella, then continue right back at the story.

Make sure you take a minute to share a brief testimony at the end of the song story. I like to again bring a soft low voice to have the children pay extra close attention to what I want to share as a testimony to them about their ability to be a missionary and help bring the gospel to others!

You can then go on to sing We’ll Bring the World His Truth together 1-3 times, if you’d like, before transitioning on to another activity. You can use our We’ll Bring the World His Truth flip chart to help you review the lyrics.

We’ll Bring the World His Truth Song Story

James and Henry have been neighbors and best friends since they were just toddlers. They spent countless days playing together, swapping stories, and even helping each other to make the right choices. They felt as close to each other as brothers. Henry often joked that they were almost twins as their birthdays were just 8 days apart!

(Sing) We have been born as Nephi of old, to goodly parents who love the Lord.

Today was an exciting day for James and Henry – both boys had turned 8 the month before and would be getting baptized! They would soon be heading over to the church for the big celebration. It was fun for them to be sharing this big and important day with each other. They knew that getting baptized was an important commandment and they wanted to follow the Savior’s example.

(Sing) We have been taught, and we understand, that we must do as the Lord commands.

James had invited their friend Sarah to come to the baptism. The boys hoped that she would be able to come today. Sarah had asked them about church a couple of times before but hadn’t been able to come to Primary with them yet. James really wanted to share with Sarah the way he felt when he was making right choices and thought she would be able to feel the Spirit if she came to the baptism.

(Sing) We have been saved for these latter days, to build the kingdom in righteous ways.

We'll Bring the World His Truth Song Story singing time idea! Share a story of children's baptism day and sharing the gospel truth with their friends! It's a great easy lesson plan that helps the children connect the song lyrics with their own lives. Find printable song helps in the post for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

It was finally time! The families loaded up into the car and made their way to the church building. All the preparations had been made and James and Henry helped their moms to set up pictures that were brought from home and pass out flyers to the guests that attended. Just a few minutes before it was time to start, James saw Sarah and her dad come into the building! He was so excited to see his friend and invited Sarah and her dad to sit by his family.

(Sing) We hear the words our prophet declares: “Let each who’s worthy go forth and share.”

Henry would be getting baptized first and James beamed with pride watching his best friend as he went under the water. He couldn’t believe his turn was next! He quickly scanned the crowd – sure enough Sarah was sitting up front smiling at him. She looked happy and a little curious, too. James thought of the 2,000 Stripling Warriors and how they were valiant, brave and honest. He wanted to be like them and have the courage to always do what is right.

(Sing) We are as the army of Helaman. We have been taught in our youth.

As James came up out of the water, he beamed with pride! He felt clean and whole and was very grateful for the gospel in his life. He wanted to do everything he could do to share the way he was feeling with everyone he knew. He resolved to continue to choose the right and felt like he has just put on spiritual armor to help protect him from the world.

(Sing) We will be the Lord’s missionaries to bring the world his truth.

After the service, Sarah rushed over to James and gave him a big hug. She thanked him for inviting her to the baptism. Sarah asked if James always felt this good inside, the way she felt today. She wanted to come to Primary with him soon. (Bear testimony on missionary work).

Extension Activities:

  • Use the MAD LIB Song Story version and fill in the 5 colors – orange, green, blue, yellow, and purple. Those words selected will be repeat a few times throughout the story. The kids will love hearing the word they picked repeated! You can add a fun emphasis or let them say the word they chose by hanging on the blank and pointing to the kids to add more interaction.
  • Invite your recently baptized Primary kiddos to help with the song story! Ask for kids that are comfortable reading. Then, line them up and hand each of them one part of the story. You or you and the rest of the Primary together can sing one line of the song between each person’s part of the story. This is a fun way to mix up the song story and make it fresh and unique with the kids being able to interact.
Easter Hosanna Song Story - Share the Easter story told the Book of Mormon to introduce this song in primary with printable song helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

For another fun similar activity, head over to see this Easter Hosanna Song Story singing time activity!

We’ll Bring the World His Truth Song Story Printable Song Helps

This free in-post printable includes a 1-page printable song story.

We'll Bring the World His Truth Song Story singing time idea! Share a story of children's baptism day and sharing the gospel truth with their friends! It's a great easy lesson plan that helps the children connect the song lyrics with their own lives. Find printable song helps in the post for LDS Primary Music Leaders.
We'll Bring the World His Truth Song Story Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders INSTANT Primary Singing Extended Printables

Join INSTANT Primary Singing for extended printables including two fun alternate versions – a team song story and a mad lib song story! You’ll find these bonus files included when We’ll Bring the World His Truth is the featured song.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
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For another fun and engaging way to teach this song, head over to see this We’ll Bring the World His Truth Cup Actions lesson plan!

We'll Bring the World His Truth Song Story Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders 05 Well Bring the World His Truth 07207

What other fun ways will you use this song story singing time activity in your Primary room?

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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