We’ll Bring the World His Truth Cup Actions

I paired this fun We’ll Bring the World His Truth cups actions with the stacking cups activity, but it can be used during it’s own week with another activity to reinforce what you’ve worked on during previous weeks. It’s fun, easy, low/no prep, and ties into teaching the lyrics!

See all We’ll Bring the World His Truth Singing Time Ideas here!

We'll Bring the World His Truth cup actions singing time idea with fun cup pattern of easy actions to teach this song for LDS Primary music leaders

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We’ll Bring the World His Truth Cup Actions

What You’ll Need: 

You’ll want one cup per child in your Primary, plus one for you for demonstrating and leading the group! I recommend you pick up at least a 50-ct pack of plastic cups on Amazon or pick out one of the larger packs which is even cheaper per cup. This AmazonBasic pack gives you 240 for about $16, plus they’re this pretty blue color!

Plastic cups are a really inexpensive singing time prop, and the kids think they are so much fun!! We’ll use them a few times each year for different activities and lesson ideas. In fact, I ended up using them three times for this song!!

In My Father's Hands - Action Hands -- Fun and easy NO PREP Primary Singing Time ideas for this great Father's Day song by Blake Gillette!! Perfect for Primary Music Leaders or even fun for a home Come, Follow Me or FHE (Family Home Evening) lesson!! #Primary #LDS #SingingTime #InMyFathersHands #MusicLeader #ChurchofJesusChrist #LatterdaySaints

After you’ve mastered this fun cup actions activity, head over to see how I taught In My Father’s Hands with Hand Actions!

We’ll Bring the World His Truth Cup Actions Simple Activity Explained

We'll Bring the World His Truth Cup Actions fun singing time lesson plan! Use a cup combined with simple actions that represent the words from each line of the song as you interact and sing for an immersive learning activity! Printable song helps for LDS Primary music leaders.

Junior Primary: 

For Junior Primary, I had prepared simple actions for the verse and taught them my prepared actions. We were working on the 2nd verse, so we did:

We'll Bring the World His Truth cup actions singing time idea with fun cup pattern of easy actions to teach this song for LDS Primary music leaders

We have been saved for these latter days
Put hand inside the cup, like your saving something precious inside.

We'll Bring the World His Truth cup actions singing time idea with fun cup pattern of easy actions to teach this song for LDS Primary music leaders

to build the kingdom in righteous ways
Tap the cup on your leg/lap “building” the kingdom

We'll Bring the World His Truth cup actions singing time idea with fun cup pattern of easy actions to teach this song for LDS Primary music leaders

We hear the words
Put the cup up to your ear (creates a little bit of an echo!)

We'll Bring the World His Truth cup actions singing time idea with fun cup pattern of easy actions to teach this song for LDS Primary music leaders

our prophet declares
Put the cup up to your mouth like a megaphone

We'll Bring the World His Truth cup actions singing time idea with fun cup pattern of easy actions to teach this song for LDS Primary music leaders

let each who’s worth go forth and share.
Find a friend in the room to swap cups with. (For less chaos, you can choose a neighbor).

You can extend the actions for the chorus, but we were focusing on learning the 2nd verse lyrics and my group already knows the chorus pretty well.

Senior Primary: 

In my Senior Primary, I like to get them involved. That means, I’ll share a line of the song and ask for their ideas for a simple action like in A Child’s Prayer we can do for the line.

If they are stuck and need help, I’ll show them what I used for Junior Primary and sometimes we’ll stick with that, other times we’ll slightly modify it based on their suggestions.

It’s really neat hearing the kids suggestions. They usually have such great ideas! For example, my senior primary suggested hugging the cup close to you for “saved” line.

Watch the We’ll Bring the World His Truth Cup Actions Video Demo

Here’s a quick and easy video to demonstrate the actions we used, plus a demonstration of how to quickly clean up the cup tower (and impress the kids!)

If for any reason the video above doesn’t load, head over to see We’ll Bring the World His Truth Simple Cup Actions on YouTube here.

We’ll Bring the World His Truth Cup Actions Printable

You won’t need any printable helps for this post. All of the actions and directions are right in the post!

We'll Bring the World His Truth Cup Actions fun singing time lesson plan! Use a cup combined with simple actions that represent the words from each line of the song as you interact and sing for an immersive learning activity! Printable song helps for LDS Primary music leaders.
We'll Bring the World His Truth Cup Actions Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders INSTANT Primary Singing Extended Printables

I have created a printable actions guide and extended actions for all verse and the chorus that are included as part of the extended printables for members of the INSTANT Primary Singing. You’ll find these bonus printables included when We’ll Bring the World His Truth is the featured song.

Primary Singing Time Cup Pattern game for We'll Bring the World His Truth. LDS Primary Choristers / Music Leaders lesson plan and easy ideas! #PrimarySinging #LDS #Primary #PrimaryChorister

Next, head over to see these two related posts. We’ll Bring the World His Truth Cup Stacking and We’ll Bring the World His Truth Cup Pattern will give you 2 more fun ways to use these cups over again, while reinforcing this song.

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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