I am a Child of God Types of Homes

They say that “Home is where the heart is.” Surely, we are grateful for the home we have and the peace and safety it provides. This I am a Child of God Types of Homes activity will get your primary kiddos thinking about their home and the home they’d like to create someday while reviewing this classic primary song.

*See all 27 I Am a Child of God Singing Time Ideas*

I am a Child of God Types of Homes Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders 8

If you grew up in the church, I Am a Child of God may bring back special memories of primary and your early testimony. If you came to the church later in life, I am a Child of God may have been one of the first songs you sang in church. This song is precious to the hearts of many saints because of the peace it brings in knowing our Heavenly home.

This nature activity can help bring this song to life for your primary children and help them understand what it means to be a Child of God.

I am a Child of God Types of Homes

The idea behind this activity is to introduce different types of homes that children may see in the world around them. As they think about different types of homes, you could invite the pianist to play I Am a Child of God in the background.

You might begin by inviting them to imagine their own home. You could invite a child to draw or describe different elements of their home. One idea is to bring some items from your own home. Then, you could ask them what an animal’s home looks like. You might talk about a home at the zoo or at the farm.

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Then, you might invite them to imagine what Heavenly Father’s home looks like. This could be a good time to share a picture of the temple. Although many children of primary age have not been inside a temple, they can see the beauty of the outside of the temple.

Then, draw or print out a grid on the whiteboard and write a type of home in each square on the grid. While you sing I am a Child of God, invite children to come up and draw or write in one of the squares. When you finish singing, you should see many different types of homes!

I am a Child of God Types of Homes Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders IMG 6205

Activity Instructions:

  1. Draw a grid on the whiteboard/chalkboard. On each grid, write a different type of home. For example, you might write “My home” on one section, and “animal’s homes” on another.
  2. At the beginning of primary, review the words using this I Am a Child of God flipchart!
  3. Explain that while you sing, you will be learning about different types of homes. Give a little demo by asking the children about their own home.
  4. While you sing I am a Child of God, invite children to come up and write or draw in one of the squares of the grid.
  5. Continue singing until all squares on the grid have been filled out.
I am a Child of God Types of Homes Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders IMG 6204

Extension Ideas:

  1. Play “Magic Crayon” with this activity! Instead of drawing on the whiteboard, have children pretend to draw different items in their house. Check out this Magic Crayon post for more details on how this activity works.
  2. Pass around a whiteboard marker or piece of chalk. Invite children to come up and draw on one section of the grid, then pass the marker to another child.
  3. Divide the class into a few small groups. Pass out a piece of paper to each group that has a title of a home (Ex. “Heavenly Father’s home, Your Home, etc.” While singing, have each group draw out what they think would be in their assigned home.

I am a Child of God Types of Homes Printable

To help you use for this activity, I’ve created this printable that includes a 2X2 grid to get you started on the activity. If you don’t have a whiteboard or chalkboard, simply print out this grid to write on.

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We have lots of fun activities to review I am a Child of God! If you are looking for another idea for singing time this month, check out this I Am a Child of God Mirror Pass.

I am a Child of God Mirror Pass singing time idea

How will you be using this activity in primary this week?

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