First, and foremost, I’m excited to share my I Am a Child of God flip chart. I’m so excited for this song to be the theme for this year!
It’s the perfect song to engage our brand new sunbeams for the year with a song they already know and love and it has a message that will stick with the kiddos for a lifetime.

I am a Child of God Flip Chart
For the Flip Chart for I Am a Child of God (archives) I have a single page for each of the 4 verses and then 1 additional page for the chorus. I recommend just printing the verses you plan to teach during the year and just one copy of the chorus (or skip it all together).

My plan is to teach verses 1-3 and the chorus. I’ll add verse 1, than chorus, then verses 2 and 3 in that order into the flip chart. While learning and reviewing the song that will let me flip from verse 1 to the chorus. It’s easy to master (if the kids don’t already know it).
By the time you move on to teaching the 2nd and later verses, your primary likely won’t need the help of a flip chart for the chorus. Or, you can always flip pages back to the chorus if necessary.
I Am a Child of God Lyrics
This song is published in the Children’s Songbook Page #2
You can find the I Am a Child of God sheet music here.
Verse 1:
I am a child of God,
And he has sent me here,
Has given me an earthly home
With parents kind and dear.
Lead me, guide me,
Walk beside me, help me find the way.
Teach me all that I must do
To live with him someday.
Verse 2:
I am a child of God,
And so my needs are great;
Help me to understand his words
Before it grows too late.
Verse 3:
I am a child of God.
Rich blessings are in store;
If I but learn to do his will,
I’ll live with him once more.
Verse 4:
I am a child of God.
His promises are sure;
Celestial glory shall be mine
If I can but endure.
“I Am a Child of God” words by Naomi Ward Randall (1908–2001) and music by Mildred Tanner Pettit (1895–1977) arranged by by Darwin Wolford (b. 1936) © 1957, 1978, and 1989 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. Used by permission.
For the perfect fun and engaging way to teach this song, try this I Am a Child of God finger actions in singing time! It’s so much fun!
I Am a Child of God
Singing Time Flip Chart Printable
Print the pages you want to tech the kids, then load them into sheet protectors. Head over to my Flip Charts Tips & Tricks post to see how I create custom flip chart books for the songs!
This I Am a Child of God Flip Chart is a 5-page printable with one page for each verse and one page for the chorus. *Newly updated with colored keywords to match the rest of our flip charts!

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I Am a Child of God
Primary Program Flip Chart Printable
I use a plain text-only I Am a Child of God flip chart with a different format for the Primary program presentation. I print two copies and slip the pages into sheet protectors so that every turn of the page moves to the next verse or song. The second copy faces up so I can follow along, as needed.
This format lets me use the largest text possible and it’s there as a backup for kids that don’t attend regularly enough to know the words. It also helps the kids keep their eyes on me!

I then just lay a binder over the edge of my music stand and raise up the stand so the words are visible and flip along through the song. No big silly posters required!
I Am a Child of God
Slideshow Flip Chart
Head over here next to grab our I Am a Child of God Flip Chart in slideshow format! It’s 5 slides long with one slide per verse plus a slide for the chorus.
See all of our I Am a Child of God Singing Time Ideas here!

Have any feedback about my I Am a Child of God flip chart? Let me know in the comments!