An Angel Came to Joseph Smith Skits

What better way to demonstrate the words of the song An Angel Came to Joseph Smith skits to acting out the lyrics!? This fun singing time lesson plan will get the Primary classes involved and let you spend a lot of time singing through this catchy restoration song!

*See all 7 An Angel Came to Joseph Smith Singing Time Ideas here for lots of fun ways to teach this song!*

Act out An Angel Came to Joseph Smith song with these fun mini skits scripts! Singing time lesson plan for primary choristers / music leaders. #LDS #Primary #MusicLeaders #PrimaryChorister #Chorister #ImaMormon #SingingTime

An Angel Came to Joseph Smith Skits

I created 4 mini skits – one per verse for An Angel Came to Joseph Smith. Each of the verses discuss a different group of people:

  • Joseph Smith
  • Lehi’s Family
  • Nephites & Lamanites
  • People Today

For this fun activity, you can focus on a single verse and let each different class in Primary practice and prepare a skit. Then, they can each take a turn coming up to perform their version of the skit. The mini skits I created do have a sample skit they can follow, or let them come up with their own skit that fits the song lyrics.

Act out An Angel Came to Joseph Smith song with these fun mini skits scripts! Singing time lesson plan for primary choristers / music leaders. #LDS #Primary #MusicLeaders #PrimaryChorister #Chorister #ImaMormon #SingingTime

Or, for more variety, plan to use this activity for reviewing the song (or learning and reinforcing the final verse) while you work on the skits. For that example, you’ll assign each of the verses you have learned to different groups in the Primary room.

I will be teaching 3 verses of this song – verse 1, 2, and 4. I’ll be printing out 2 copies of those three skits and let each of the classes take on one of the skits of their choice (making sure each verse is covered at least once). You could also just make larger groups and run through each skit just one time – do whatever works best for your Primary size!

I’ll start by giving directions to the kids and breaking them into groups. I’ll let them know that I will sing through the verses 3 times while they work on getting their script ready to go. If they finish early, they should return to their seats and sing with me so I can know when everyone is ready to preform the skits!

Then, we’ll sing through the verse specific to each of the skits while the class performs their mini skit. Challenge the Primary to go home and present their skits with their siblings after church or for Family Home Evening!

An Angel Came to Joseph Smith Skits Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders Nativity Song Skit 1

For another super fun skit singing time idea, head over to our The Nativity Song Primary Nativity Skit! It’s a perfect Christmas themed singing time activity the kids will love.

An Angel Came to Joseph Smith Skits Printable Singing Time Lesson Plan

In this printable An Angel Came to Joseph Smith skits lesson plan, you’ll find 4 pages each with one of the mini skits. This is perfect for picking which verses you are teaching and which to include and then help the kids create their mini skits with a Primary leader or teacher – then perform them while singing!

Act out An Angel Came to Joseph Smith song with these fun mini skits scripts! Singing time lesson plan for primary choristers / music leaders. #LDS #Primary #MusicLeaders #PrimaryChorister #Chorister #ImaMormon #SingingTime

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
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Try your hand at this fun An Angel Came to Joseph Smith Show & Sing lesson plan next! The kids will color in the verses and then show them off while singing.

An Angel Came to Joseph Smith Show & Sing coloring page singing time

What other fun themes could you add to this An Angel Came to Joseph Smith skits activity? How did the mini skits over over with your Primary kiddos?

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

2 thoughts on “An Angel Came to Joseph Smith Skits”

  1. I was so excited to use your ideas for this song. I clicked all of the buttons to download and it kept going in circles. I cant find any of the downloads. I’m not that computer savvy. Are you able to email them to me>

    • Hi Kristen, the download links are at the bottom of the post! I just double checked, and they’re all working properly.


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