Away in a Manger – Silent Video

Growing up, one of my favorite parts of the Christmas season was setting up our nativity and watching a video of the miracle of Christ’s birth. There is something so beautiful about watching the birth of the innocent Christ child in a stable.

One way to introduce Away in a Manger to your primary this year is through a nativity video. This Away in a Manger Silent Video is a great way to invite the spirit and provide children with a visual to aid as they learn this treasured Christmas song.

For more ideas, see our Away in a Manger Singing Time Ideas post!

Use video to tell a story in this Away in a Manger Silent Video Singing Time idea! Easy lesson plan LDS Primary Music Leaders teaching this Christmas song.

Away in a Manger Silent Video

I can almost hear what you’re about to say… We all know how antsy children get after even a few minutes of a video. That’s why I love this short, 2 minute video of the Nativity! It’s a beautiful and simple portrayal of the birth of Jesus Christ that even little ones can enjoy.

Away in a Manger Silent Video

A great way to use this activity is to play this Away in a Manger Silent Video is right before you begin teaching “Away in a Manger.” While you watch the video, have the primary pianist play the song quietly in the background.

This helps the children get familiar with the melody before beginning to learn the words. After watching the video, ask some follow-up questions to encourage reflection.

Scroll down to Away in a Manger Silent Video Questions at the bottom of this page to find some sample questions to ask.

Following the video, teach the words to the song using this Away in a Manger Flipchart.

Away in a Manger - Silent Video Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders Away in a Manger4

Additional Videos to Share:

After teaching the first verse of the song, it might be fun to share another video that the children can sing along with. Here are a few videos you might choose to include:

#1. Away in a Manger: Children’s Songbook Singalong

The pictures in this video are so sweet! What I love most about this video is the cursor that moves across the words. This provides kids with a great visual for what comes next in the song.

#2. Away in a Manger Karaoke

This fun karaoke version of Away in a Manger is similar to the first video except it does not include any vocals. This video allows the children to read the words and practice the melody.

We have some awesome helps with questions to ask and extend this activity below. But I also wanted to share another great post where we’ve used music videos to teach a song in this I Will Walk with Jesus Music Videos post.

Away in a Manger - Silent Video Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders jesus christ children

Away in a Manger Silent Video Questions

I love to ask questions in primary to get the kids thinking. I believe that if they understand what they are singing, they will be able to remember it much better. It also provides an opportunity for you to share your testimony of Jesus Christ. For this activity, consider asking some questions after the videos to help kids reflect on their own testimonies of Christ.

Some questions might include:

  • What do you think it would have felt like to be there in the stable with Mary and Joseph when baby Jesus was born?
  • When the shepherds saw the star, they followed it right away. Can you think of a time when you followed Jesus?
  • Christmastime helps us think about Jesus. How can you remember Jesus this Christmas season?
  • Did you feel the Holy Ghost during that video? How did it make you feel?

Extension Activities:

  • Make a little game out of the videos! Have someone randomly pause the video and see who can remember which words come next!
  • After singing with the singalong video, try singing the song without the visuals and see how well the kids do.

If you’re looking for a fun activity to review Away in a Manger, head over to this Away in a Manger Partner Arm Swings idea next!

Away in a Manger - Silent Video Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders IMG 5612

Which one of these videos will you use for singing time this week?

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