Have some fun in singing time with this logical conclusions I Will Be What I Believe Line Match Game! For a simple way to see how well your primary children know the lyrics to I Will Be What I Believe (archives), have them correctly match each phrase!
Just grab our large printable line match poster and see how many phrases your primary children can match!
*See all I Will Be What I Believe Singing Time Ideas!*

I Will Be What I Believe Line Match Game
This giant line match game is such a fun way to review song lyrics in primary! Your primary children will have so much fun trying to solve the puzzle as they practice this song!
For a good refresher, sing through the first verse and chorus of I Will Be What I Believe (flip chart) before introducing this activity.
I’ve created a large line match printable with 10 first lines and 10 end lines within the song. There are a few lines left out. Can you find which ones are missing?
Then, for a simple practice, say, “I will be…” and see if the kids can fill in the line, “what I believe!”

Post the 2 pages with first phrases on the left side of the board. Hmm, these lines don’t look complete! Let’s see if we can find their matches. Post the other 2 pages with end phrases on the right side of the board.
There are a few different ways to set up your board! You can choose to post both pages with first lines on one side of the board, with the end lines on the other side of the board. If you set up the board this way, bring in some chalk to connect the lines.
Alternatively, you can tape the pages together and use markers or pencils to connect each line. Then, just tape the poster to the board. This is what your poster will look like:

Who thinks they know one of the matches? Look for volunteers to come up and draw a line from one side of the board to the other to complete the line or phrase. Nice work! Complete 1-2 more matches, then sing through the song again to spark more ideas!
Continue having children come up to match the lines. Once you’ve matched all the lines, sing through the song one more time.
Share a brief testimony at the end of singing time about the importance of standing strong in our faith.

Line Match Examples:
For this activity, I’ve included 10 line matches from the song lyrics. Since this is a pretty long song, I decided to leave out a few lines to make the activity a little simpler for your primary kids.
As you’ll notice in the printable, the phrases that are not included are “I’ll be brave as a stripling warrior,” “and like Nephi persevere,” and ‘with change all around.” Below are just a few examples of the phrases included in this activity!
1.I’ll have faith like… (..Brother Joseph)
2. Living… (..in this world)
3. Even though… (..it’s still hard)
4. I will be… (..what I believe)
5. But with the… (..prophet’s words)

Extension Activities:
- Lyrics Scramble! Before primary, cut out all the word strips. Have the children correctly match all the phrases. Then, tape together each phrase to put the song in the correct order! Write in the missing lines.
- Cut out all the word strips and give each class 2-3 mixed up matches. See which class can match their lines the fastest! Then, have each class sing only their line!
- Divide the class into 2 groups. Have one group sing the first lines and have the second group sing the end phrases!
- Tape the word strips around the room. While listening to a recording of the song or the piano accompaniment, have the children look for matches!
For another fun similar activity, head over to see this Love One Another Line Matching Game singing time activity!
I Will Be What I Believe Line Match Game Printable Song Helps
This free in-post printable includes a 4-page line match poster with 2 pages of first phrases and 2 pages of end phrases.

Join INSTANT Primary Singing for extended printables including additional line matches for the 2nd verse and chorus grouped by whole song or in two sections. You’ll find these bonus files included when I Will Be What I Believe is a featured song of the month.
Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!
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Head over to this fun I Will Be What I Believe Choose the Missing Word game next!
What other fun ways will you use this line match singing time activity in your Primary room?