Nephi’s Courage Body Rhythm

I love singing Nephi’s Courage with my Primary children (and kiddos at home). It’s just such a fun song and about one of our favorite Book of Mormon heroes that it’s a great song to sing. Many of your Primary children will already know the first verse, but you can extend the song to teach them either of the additional verses or just have some fun with this song on a couple of weeks and continue on.

Nephi’s Courage is only on the suggested song list as part of the Book of Mormon Songs for Primary Come Follow Me list. So I really like to included it, if only a couple of times, to share this beloved song with my Primary!

Nephi's Courage Body Rhythm fun singing time movement activity! You'll pat and clap along following the melody. Then, add an extra layer of complexity to the chorus for a challenge, if you'd like! Fun lesson plan and printable pattern helps for LDS Primary music leaders.

Nephi’s Courage Body Rhythm

Sing through Nephi’s Courage (flip chart here) once, before introducing this rhythm pattern.

Ask the children if their hands can follow your hands. You shouldn’t need to explain the pattern too much, just start demonstrating it while you sing through the verse. Pat with your hands alternating from your right hand to your left, and then one big clap on the final line for each phrase through the verse.

Nephi's Courage Body Rhythm fun singing time movement activity! You'll pat and clap along following the melody. Then, add an extra layer of complexity to the chorus for a challenge, if you'd like! Fun lesson plan and printable pattern helps for LDS Primary music leaders.

Pause before the chorus, and ask the kids: What was the pattern? Did you catch it? That’s right! Pat with every other hand, then clap at the end of the phrase! Let’s do it again together!

Start from the beginning of the song and sing again through the verse.

You can continue this simplified pattern through the chorus, clapping on “do,” com-“mands,” “way,” and o-“bey.” Or, switch it up to the slightly more difficult pattern for the chorus.

To introduce the chorus, freeze after the verse and say try to follow my hands for this. Sing just the first line of the chorus: “I will go, I will do the thing the Lord commands” What was different about that pattern? Let’s do it again together!

Continue to build up the chorus, then start from the beginning and sing the whole song.

Nephi's Courage Body Rhythm fun singing time movement activity! You'll pat and clap along following the melody. Then, add an extra layer of complexity to the chorus for a challenge, if you'd like! Fun lesson plan and printable pattern helps for LDS Primary music leaders.

Nephi’s Courage Body Rhythm Pattern:

  • Pat your right hand on your lap, then alternate to your left hand on each note. Clap on the final note/word of each line.
    • The / Lord / com- / mand- / ed / Ne- / phi / to / go / and / get / the / (plates)
    •   R /  L / R / L / R / L / R / L / R / L / R / L / Clap
  • Continue this pattern through the verse, clapping on: plates, gates, try, re-(ply).
  • Switch up the pattern slightly for the chorus: Pat right, left, clap x2 for “I will go, I will do” pat both hands down together for 4 beats “the thing the Lord” then clap twice for “com-mands
  • Switch up the pattern slightly for the chorus: Pat right, left, clap x2 for “I will go, I will do” pat both hands down together for 4 beats “the thing the Lord” then clap twice for “com-mands”
  • Return to alternating pats right and left hands, with a clap on “way”
  • Pat both hands together for 4 beats “he wants me to” and end with 2 claps on “o-bey”.
  • Then, repeat the chorus pattern.
Nephi's Courage Body Rhythm fun singing time movement activity! You'll pat and clap along following the melody. Then, add an extra layer of complexity to the chorus for a challenge, if you'd like! Fun lesson plan and printable pattern helps for LDS Primary music leaders.

Extension Activities:

  • Invite the children to find a partner and clap across to their partner for each of the clap actions. You can then join two groups to a group of 4 and clap outward with one hand to the right and one hand to the left to clap all together.
  • Challenge the kids to come up with their own changes to the pattern for the chorus!
  • You can simplify the pattern to just alternating pats for very young Primary children.

Nephi’s Courage Body Rhythm Demo Video

Sometimes, it’s easier to show you then to just try to describe the pattern! To help you better visualize how this pattern comes together, I created a quick and simple Nephi’s Courage Body Rhythm video to help you see the pattern come to life and an overview of this lesson plan all in one spot.

Book of Mormon Stories Body Rhythm Partners fun movement activity for singing time that follows along with the beat and feeling of this song and gets everyone up and moving and having fun together! This is a simple but fun pattern that repeats throughout the song. Find these printable song helps for LDS Primary music leaders or for home use for your Come Follow Me study for families!

For another fun similar activity, head over to see this Book of Mormon Stories Partner Rhythms singing time activity!

Nephi’s Courage Body Rhythm Printable Song Helps

This free in-post printable includes a one page simplified pattern guide to show the three different main actions you’ll use in this pattern.

Nephi's Courage Body Rhythm fun singing time movement activity! You'll pat and clap along following the melody. Then, add an extra layer of complexity to the chorus for a challenge, if you'd like! Fun lesson plan and printable pattern helps for LDS Primary music leaders.
Nephi's Courage Body Rhythm Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders INSTANT Primary Singing Extended Printables

Join INSTANT Primary Singing for extended printables including quarter and full-page action cards, pattern guide by verse and chorus and directions for each verse. You’ll find these bonus files included when Nephi’s Courage is the featured song of the month.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

For another fun review idea, head over to this Nephi’s Courage Words of a Prophet singing time activity!

Nephi's Courage Words of a Prophet - use this spiritual connection singing time idea and read quotes from the prophet together with printable song helps for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

What other fun ways will you use this Body Rhythm singing time activity in your Primary room?

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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