Build an Ark Flip Chart & Lyrics

Have you heard the cute new Old Testament Come Follow Me this year: Build an Ark (archives)! It’s a darling song that reinforces the teaching to prepare and listen to the Lord!

Build an Ark is a perfect song to add to your Old Testament Primary Songs for the year! Of course it’s very on-theme for matching the Old Testament content and it’s a really sweet and pretty song.

Build an Ark Flip Chart for Singing Time - a helpful printable file in 3 formats for Primary Music Leaders and Choristers! See all our Come Follow Me Primary Songs ideas and activities.

This song was originally featured in The Friend Magazine, so it should be semi-approved, but you will have to just run it past your Bishop and Primary President! You can find the sheet music for Build an Ark here.

This is a great song to add to your personalized list of songs to rotate through, like we’ve done in this Suggested Come Follow Me Songs by Year!

Build an Ark Flip Chart

We love sharing flip charts to make it easier to use and introduce songs that you might not be teaching the whole year. We have a whole bunch of flip charts now, and are just finishing up adding all the Old Testament songs to our Singing Time Flip Charts list.

Head over to this helpful post to see exactly how I use flip charts in Primary! There are a ton of tips and helps there to make the most out of using flip charts.

Build an Ark Flip Chart for Singing Time - a helpful printable file in 3 formats for Primary Music Leaders and Choristers! See all our Come Follow Me Primary Songs ideas and activities.

Build an Ark Lyrics

This song was written by Marianne P. Wilcock and was published in the Friend magazine. It is considered pre-approved to teach in Primary. You can find the free Sheet Music here.

Verse 1:

Noah was a prophet, a man who did not fear.
When he taught repentance, the people would not hear.
So the Lord told him to build a boat
That could hold a ton and stay afloat.
Then Noah started building and said within his heart:
I will build an ark before it starts to rain.
I will follow the Lord and do all things in His name.
I’ll prepare ev’ry needful thing. I will walk in righteous ways.
When the rain starts to fall on me, I’ll be ready for that day.

Verse 2:

I can be like Noah. Yes, I can be prepared.
I can build my ark, and I’ll find safe shelter there.
I can do the things I know are right.
I can learn and pray with all my might.
And then when storm clouds come, I’ll be safe within my ark.
I will build my ark before it starts to rain.
I will follow the prophet, for he speaks in God’s name.
I’ll prepare ev’ry needful thing. I will walk in righteous ways.
When the rain starts to fall on me, I’ll be ready for that day.

“Build an Ark” by Marianne P. Wilcock. Copyright © 2004 by Marianne P. Wilcock. All rights reserved.

Build an Ark Singing
Time Flip Chart Printable

Build an Ark Flip Chart for Singing Time - a helpful printable file in 3 formats for Primary Music Leaders and Choristers! See all our Come Follow Me Primary Songs ideas and activities.

This is a bit of a long song, but I was able to squeeze it in gracefully into 2 pages per verse! That means, this cute colorful Build an Ark Flip chart is only 4 pages!

If you’ve been around to see my other flip charts, you know my focus is fewer pages with less to flip through! Makes it so much easier. You can grab all of our printable flip charts below!

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

Build an Ark
Simple Flip Chart Printable

Build an Ark Flip Chart for Singing Time - a helpful printable file in 3 formats for Primary Music Leaders and Choristers! See all our Come Follow Me Primary Songs ideas and activities.

If you’re looking for a simple black and white flip chart for Build an Ark – this is it! It’s great for those who don’t want to print in color or are just looking to flip the lyrics over the podium! Or, repurpose this flip chart to cut into word strips or other activities!

It’s 5 pages with 2 pages per verse and a page for the chorus! Easy to print and use with a landscape orientation.

Build an Ark
Slideshow Flip Chart

For those ready to start using tech in the Primary room, you’ll love this flip chart option! It’s setup with the right orientation to be displayed on a screen! Simply download the Build an Ark powerpoint flip chart and you won’t have to flip through a whole bunch of pages!

For a fun way to teach this song, head over to grab our Build an Ark Puzzle Ark singing time idea!

Build an Ark Flip Chart & Lyrics Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders Build an Ark Primary Ark Puzzle 20220205 205948

Have any feedback about my Build an Ark flip chart? Let me know in the comments!

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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