Love One Another Puzzle Activity

This month, use this Love One Another Puzzle Activity to help you introduce, or review, Love One Another! This fun activity is great way for your primary kiddos to work as a team and put together some beautiful picture puzzles!

My primary kiddos really enjoy when I present them with an activity that allows them to work as a team and problem-solve. Puzzles are great because they are intriguing and simple enough for both Senior and Junior primary to enjoy! I like to use picture puzzles for this exact reason!

*See all Love One Another Singing Time Ideas here!*

Grab the cute Love One Another puzzle printable activity and lesson plan for LDS Primary Music Leaders Singing Time ideas + more ways to teach Love One Another.

Love One Another Puzzle Activity

*Downloads are available at the bottom of the post when signed in!*

This fun puzzle activity is very easy to plan and assemble! Start by choosing a few images that correlate with your song, and then use that picture to create a puzzle to solve in primary!

In preparation for this activity, I started by looking for some images that captured the message of “Love One Another.” I looked specifically for colorful images of Christlike service, kindness, and love.

A good resource for pictures is always the clipart found on the church’s website. However, when I need to find some stock images, I also check out It does require a subscription, but has so many images you can use for primary!

Look for pictures that show examples of love that primary children can relate to. Children have the kindest hearts and can be wonderful examples of how to show Christlike love. I also found a sweet picture of Christ ministering to a child.

Love One Another Puzzle pictures activity for LDS Primary Singing Time

After finding some pictures, print the picture out and cut it into puzzle pieces. You can do this by tracing large puzzle pieces or cutting the picture using shapes. I would recommend having a few different sizes of puzzles to accommodate for both Junior and Senior primary! You could make some puzzles with as few as 4 pieces, or as many as 25!

Now that you have your puzzle, cut out puzzle pieces and place the pieces in envelopes. Give each class an envelope at the beginning of primary. While singing Love One Another, have each class work together to solve their puzzle!

Love One Another Puzzle pictures activity for LDS Primary Singing Time

Activity Instructions:

  1. Prepare puzzles for each class by selecting pictures of kindness, service, and love. Cut the image into multiple puzzle pieces. Place each puzzle in an envelope.
  2. Begin by reviewing the words to Love One Another using this Love One Another flipchart. If your primary kiddos feel confident in the words, ask them if they’re ready for a challenge.
  3. Pass out one envelope to each class. While singing Love One Another, invite each class to assemble their puzzle together.
  4. Once the puzzles have been completed, have classes swap envelopes to complete a new puzzle while repeating the song!

Since children will likely complete the puzzles quickly, it may be a good idea to have a few different puzzles prepared. This way, you can switch puzzles and sneak in more practice time!

Love One Another Puzzle pictures activity for LDS Primary Singing Time

Extension Ideas:

  • Put together a larger puzzle as a primary! Arrange the puzzle pieces on the white board, and invite children to come up and add one piece to the puzzle while singing. Children will be able to take turns contributing to the puzzle.
  • On the back of each puzzle piece, write a different way to sing the song. For example you could write “quiet as a mouse” on the back of one puzzle piece. When you add that puzzle piece to the puzzle, sing quiet!
  • In addition to picture puzzles, create a puzzle of the lyrics to the song! Since Love One Another is such a short song, this is great for a puzzle!
  • Speed Challenge! See which class can assemble their puzzle the quickest!
Teach the hymn Come Follow Me picture puzzles singing time ideas! Perfect for Primary Music Leaders or for LDS home bible study. Printable song helps for LDS Primary music leaders.

For another fun puzzle singing time idea, head over to see this Come Follow Me Puzzles lesson plan!

Love One Another Puzzle Activity
Lesson Plan & Printable Puzzles

To make prep even more simple for this activity, I’ve created a 6 page printable lesson plan that includes a variety of full-page puzzles. Some puzzles only have 4-6 pieces, while others are a bit more complex. I have included two different puzzles to adapt for Junior and Senior primary. Simply print and cut out the puzzles you want to use and grab some envelopes for singing time!

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Love One Another Puzzle Activity Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders PS Plus Unlock Banner

For more information on why I use a content lock or how to create your account, you can see the FAQ page here.

For another fun word game to review “Love One Another,” check out this Love One Another Recipe of Love activity!

Love One Another Puzzle Activity Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders Away in a Manger 11 1

Did your primary enjoy solving these puzzles? Let us know in the comments!

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