Come Follow Me Picture Puzzles

This fun Come Follow Me Picture Puzzles lesson plan is a great way to introduce the song.

This idea really ties in the words of the song and the meaning into a fun activity. It also allows a lot of participation, some movement, and lots of repetition of singing the song!

*See 25 great Come Follow Me Hymn Singing Time Ideas here*

Teach the hymn Come Follow Me picture puzzles singing time ideas! Perfect for Primary Music Leaders or for LDS home bible study. Printable song helps for LDS Primary music leaders.

Come Follow Me Picture Puzzles

This fun puzzle game similar to this Build an Ark is just one of the activities I’ve created for teaching the Come Follow Me song (archives) this year.

These fun and simple activities can be used as part of your home study to engage the kids in your lesson plans or they are perfect for Primary Music Leaders!

Teach the hymn Come Follow Me picture puzzles singing time ideas! Perfect for Primary Music Leaders or for LDS home bible study. Printable song helps for LDS Primary music leaders.

How to Play:

Print out a copy of the picture puzzles you plan to use during singing time. Have 2-3 helpers come up to help work on the puzzle while the rest of the Primary sings through the song Come, Follow Me. Pick new helpers and continue until the puzzle is assembled.

Teach the hymn Come Follow Me picture puzzles singing time ideas! Perfect for Primary Music Leaders or for LDS home bible study. Printable song helps for LDS Primary music leaders.

Extension Ideas:

  • Hide puzzle pieces around the room
  • Let each child put one piece together from the puzzle
  • Share a brief story on how the picture correlates to Christ’s invitation to follow him.
  • Let each child take home a puzzle piece as a reminder of the invitation to follow him.
  • Frame the completed puzzles to use on your bulletin board. The kids will love seeing something they worked on repurposed as art!
A Child's Prayer picture puzzle printable fun singing time idea for LDS Primary music leaders. You'll cut out the picture with lyrics and can combine them to a double sided poster that flips over to reveal the 2nd verse!

If your kids loved this activity, they’ll also really enjoy this fun A Child’s Prayer Picture Puzzle that breaks up the lyrics with meaningful graphics.

Christ Picture Come Follow Me Picture Puzzles Printable Lesson Plan

This printable includes 6 total puzzles. There are 3 pictures from the Media Library resource with a simple puzzle overlay. You can make your own puzzles by cutting a picture from Christ’s life.

You can create a puzzle by cutting it into long skinny strips, fat squares, or cut actual puzzle piece shapes from the picture.

Teach the hymn Come Follow Me picture puzzles singing time ideas! Perfect for Primary Music Leaders or for LDS home bible study. Printable song helps for LDS Primary music leaders.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

For the next singing time idea in our series, head over to see this Come Follow Me Sand Blocks pattern for a fun way to help the music come to life!

Fun Come Follow Me Sand Blocks Pattern activity using 3 actions with DIY sand blocks for Primary Singing Time Leaders teaching this Come Follow Me New Testament song!

What other ideas do you have for using this Come Follow Me Picture Puzzles activity? 

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

9 thoughts on “Come Follow Me Picture Puzzles”

  1. If this is a new song and you are going to have the children sing Come Follow Me as they assemble the puzzles, will you have the words out? Or will you sing it until you have some children join you? What about putting the words out (Lyric Book) so teachers can join you? Just getting feelers out.
    Thanks for sharing your talents! It’s such a blessing!

  2. I used this idea today and it was wonderful. I sang it first without the piano (scary for me but I wanted the children to hear the words). Then I put a lyric page up for the teachers to sing it several times as the children put the puzzles together. Then the children shared why they thought the song related to the picture. It was beautiful! Thank you for the idea! It was one of the three songs we did! I love the idea of singing 2-3 songs each Sunday! Next week I will do the ribbon wands with junior and the eraser game with senior! Yay! Thank you again for sharing your time and talents!

  3. Every time I print the puzzles, they only print a solid black page. I’ve tried from multiple computers. Have you heard of this happening to anyone?


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