What better way to introduce and personalize the song Families Can Be Together Forever Video Story than by showing pictures of your own Primary children! Since all families are different, this is a great way to show that no matter what your family looks like the concept of forever families still applies!
You’ll gather pictures of your Primary children and families and follow our easy guide below to make your own customized music video featuring your Primary! They will love seeing themselves and their friends on the big screen.
*See all Families Can Be Together Forever Singing Time Ideas*

Families Can Be Together Forever Video Story
To create a video story for Families Can Be Together Forever you’ll need to do a little prep work before hand.
Send an email out to Primary parents and / or post your request on the ward Facebook group, if your ward uses one. For this video story I requested family portraits and pictures of families in front of the temple including wedding pictures.
Since I have a couple of other projects in the works – a baptism stories activity and a video for We’ll Bring the World His Truth – I asked for all of my requests for the year at once to cut down on the back and forth emails. Some pictures can overlap for the themes.
Landscape pictures, like this, will work best but any pictures will do! You can pair 2-3 portrait orientation pictures side-by-side to fill up the screen width.

When you have an assortment of pictures to work with, then use one of the free video editing programs or any paid software you already own. Some free options that are easy to use include Windows Movie Maker or iMovie.
You can download the music only or music with vocals to help you create your video slideshow of pictures. Just grab the mp3 track for Families Can Be Together Forever from LDS.org.
Add in all your pictures and then adjust the timing for how long each picture stays on the screen depending on the total number of pictures you receive. The song is short, a little less than 2 minutes after the intro, but you should be able to get through quite a few pictures. You can repeat them a second time, if needed.

You could even ask for the parents to record the kiddos singing a line or a few words from the song and piece it together with their picture or video! That would turn out so cute especially if you can’t have a traditional Primary program to share a nice personalized video clip like that!
You can add the lyrics at the bottom of the video, if desired. Grab the Families Can Be Together Forever Lyrics and Flip Chart over on that post!
I plan to play it once through with the kids watching the video not necessarily singing along (some kids will choose to). They’ll be so giddy and excited seeing pictures of themselves and of their friends in Primary.
Then, I’ll tell them I think we can sing as beautifully as those children did. What do you think? We’ll mute the TV and create our own soundtrack to go along with the pictures and lyrics.
Head over next to grab our printable Families Can Be Together 1st Letter Code lesson plan!
What other ideas do you have for personalizing a music video for your Primary?