Grandmother Primary Song Fill in the Blank

I love this short & sweet Grandmother Primary Song! I remember learning this song as a child and thinking about my own grandparents. For a fun Mother’s Day activity, use this Grandmother Primary Song Fill in the Blank!

For this activity, simply have your primary kids fill in the missing word for each phrase of the song. Keep reading for additional ways to use this activity and printable fill in the blank word strips!

Try this cute Grandmother Primary Song Fill in the Blank word representations activity in singing time to fill in the missing lyrics of this Mother's Day Song for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Grandmother Primary Song Fill in the Blank

I use fill in the blank activities at least a few times a year! My Senior primary kids especially enjoy the challenge of finding the missing word, and Junior primary kids can have fun with it too!

What I love about this word representations activity is that it can be adapted many different ways! In fact, I’ve included 4 additional ways to use this activity in primary later in the post!

Try this cute Grandmother Primary Song Fill in the Blank word representations activity in singing time to fill in the missing lyrics of this Mother's Day Song for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Before primary, choose one word from each phrase to omit. Replace the word with a blank. Print out the fill in the blank word strips in the printable or write your own! The printable later in this post includes fill in the blank word strips for all 3 verses of the song!

If you are using this activity with Junior primary, pictures may also be helpful. Draw or print simple symbols of each word that is missing. I have included pictures of each missing word in the printable.

If you decide to use these picture helps, cut them out before primary and arrange them on the board along with the word strips. Have the children connect the picture to the phrase to fill in the missing word!

Try this cute Grandmother Primary Song Fill in the Blank word representations activity in singing time to fill in the missing lyrics of this Mother's Day Song for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Start by reviewing all 3 verses of Grandmothers in primary. Then, post the first 3 fill in the blank word strips. Ask the children if they know what words are missing from the phrases.

Have a child come up and write in the missing word or choose the picture that best matches the word.

Then, choose another child to come up and fill in the next missing blank. Once you have filled out 3 missing word blanks, sing through the song again! Post 2-3 more fill in the blank phrases on the board, adding to the ones you have finished.

Look for children who are singing reverently to come up and fill in the missing words! Continue singing and reviewing until you have correctly filled in all the missing blanks!

Try this cute Grandmother Primary Song Fill in the Blank word representations activity in singing time to fill in the missing lyrics of this Mother's Day Song for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Fill in the Blank Examples:

Here are a few examples of the fill in the blank phrases included in this activity. You’ll notice that the blanks come up at different parts of the phrases. Some blanks are at the beginning, some in the middle, and some at the end! Be sure to grab the printable helps below to prepare for this activity!

  • “You give me a [BLANK]” ANSWER: Kiss
  • “You read me a [BLANK]” ANSWER: Book
  • “I’ll [BLANK] “I love you too.” ANSWER: Whisper
  • “I wish every child in the whole wide [BLANK] ANSWER: World
Try this cute Grandmother Primary Song Fill in the Blank word representations activity in singing time to fill in the missing lyrics of this Mother's Day Song for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Extension Activities:

  • For a fun intro activity, post only the pictures on the board before singing time. See if the kids can guess what song you’ll be learning just from the pictures. If they are stumped, you can start writing some of the words that come before the pictures.
  • Give each class 2-3 fill in the blank word strips to complete together while you sing through the song once. Then, have each class sing only the word strips they have. Switch word strips so that each class gets to sing the entire song!
  • Ask some grandmothers in the ward to come to primary and share some of their favorite things about being a grandma!
  • As you solve each fill in the blank word strip, write a silly way to sing the song on the back of the word strip. This is a great way to get lots of practice!
  • Substitute the word father or mother in for grandmother and sing it more than once, with alternate words! You can drop one note to help “father” and “mother” fit the music better.
Use this fun Mother's Day In Her Shoes singing time idea for children to try on Mom's shoes and lead the Mother's Day song for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Try this cute Mother’s Day In Her Shoes activity for another fun Mother’s Day singing time idea!

Grandmother Primary Song Fill in the Blank Printable Helps

Use this Fill in the Blank printable to help you prep for this fun activity! This printable includes every phrase in the song with one word omitted from each phrase. The missing word has been replaced with a large blank that provides lots of space to write the word in.

I’ve also included symbols or pictures for each of the missing words. This can be useful if you are using this activity with Junior primary. Print out the word strips and cut the pictures and word strips before singing time. An answer key has been provided on the last page.

Try this cute Grandmother Primary Song Fill in the Blank word representations activity in singing time to fill in the missing lyrics of this Mother's Day Song for LDS Primary Music Leaders.
Grandmother Primary Song Fill in the Blank Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders INSTANT Primary Singing Extended Printables

You’ll also find a printable lesson plan, larger printable size and black and white printable options in the extended printables included in April Doctrine & Covenants INSTANT Primary Singing membership.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.

For another review idea, try this Grandmother Primary Song Can You Sing It Solo activity!

Try this fun Grandmother Primary Song Can You Sing It Solo activity for Mother's Day with 8 solo and group challenges for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

What primary songs will you be teaching for Mother’s Day?

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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