I’ve chosen to teach The Holy Ghost (archives) as my song pick for August! I’ll begin introducing the song this month, though, and again in June as part of our Come Follow Me Doctrine & Covenants Primary Songs so I have lots of activities to share coming up soon for how you can teach this simple but impactful song!

The Holy Ghost Flip Chart
I’m doing my best to add up all of my flip charts for the Come, Follow Me curriculum and my singing time plans.
You can see my entire Primary Flip Chart list to find others you might need, in addition to this one for The Holy Ghost.

This flip chart uses colors to highlight the keywords and as few pages as possible to make flipping through the chart easier! You can get more information on why my flip charts are the way they are and how I use flip charts over in that post!
The Holy Ghost Lyrics
This song is published in the Children’s Songbook Page #105
You can find The Holy Ghost sheet music here.

Verse 1:
When Christ was on the earth,
He promised he would send
The Holy Ghost to comfort us,
Our true, eternal friend.
The Holy Spirit whispers
With a still small voice.
He testifies of God and Christ
And makes our hearts rejoice.

Verse 2:
And when we are confirmed
By sacred priesthood pow’r,
The Holy Ghost is giv’n to us
To guide us ev’ry hour.
Oh, may I always listen
To that still small voice.
And with his light
I’ll do what’s right
Each time I make a choice.
“The Holy Ghost” by Jeanne P. Lawler © 1977 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. Used by permission.
The Holy Ghost Sing-Along Video
Looking for a great way to introduce this song for the first time? Or maybe you just need a helpful video to send to families for the kids to review this song at home? You’ll love this The Holy Ghost Sing Along video on YouTube! We sing along while playing the piano and the kids will like they are singing along with their own music leader!
See our Singing Time Ideas for The Holy Ghost to make teaching this song a cinch! We’re using finger lights, hangman blanks, number problems, hand clap patterns and more!
The Holy Ghost Art Flip Chart
You’ll love this complete set of flip charts with all the styles you could want! Choose from portrait and landscape and even a slideshow option! Print it in color or black and white. You’ll love the custom illustrations designed especially for this song!

Pickup this The Holy Ghost Art Flip Chart in my shop here. It is also available in my Etsy shop here.

The Holy Ghost Flip Chart
Singing Time Printable
This 4-page The Holy Ghost flip chart includes all 3 verses and one page for the chorus. I usually only print the chorus once, but you can print it to place between each verse, if you feel your Primary needs the extra help!

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!
Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
Have questions or need more help, see this FAQ page here.
The Holy Ghost Color-in Flipchart
Use this option if you want just the lyrics and a simple picture that you can color-in to add interest while still being printer-friendly. It’s 2-pages per verse.
The Holy Ghost Flip Chart
Primary Program Printable
As another alternative, you can choose this landscape version in plain black and white words of The Holy Ghost flip chart.
It’s perfect to use as a lyrics book idea in your Primary room for teachers and visitors to help encouraging singing. Or, use this chart during your Primary Program!
The Holy Ghost Slideshow Flip Chart
Just in time for teaching this song this year is our new flip chart version – a slideshow! It’s perfect to use with a projector or TV to easily display the words while you focus on the activity. It’s just one page per verse and a slide for the chorus.

Have any feedback about my The Holy Ghost flip chart? Let me know in the comments!
Thank you for sharing your talents! It is such a blessing to have these flipcharts and helps for teaching the songs.