I Hope They Call Me on a Mission Around the World

Do you remember the Elementary school game called Around the World? We’ll adapt it here with a fun themed activity that ties in wonderfully with I Hope They Call Me on a Mission Around the World game!

*12 Ideas for Teaching I Hope They Call Me on a Mission Singing Time Ideas*

I Hope They Call me on a Mission Around the World game singing time idea

I Hope They Call Me on a Mission Around the World Game

How to Play:

Sing I Hope They Call Me on a Mission (flip chart) once before introducing the activity.

I Hope They Call me on a Mission Around the World game singing time idea

Start with the first child in the child in front row and ask them to think of a Mission (or a place somewhere in the world that might have an LDS Mission). If they can name one, they score a point for the kids’ team! If not, the teachers can help, and the point goes to the teachers.

You’ll start with I, then move on to H-O-P-E, etc until you make your way through the whole song title. The mission can be the city or country name (or any part of the official name – list included!).

I Hope They Call me on a Mission Around the World game singing time idea

Use the 4-page poster to help the kids follow along with what letters come next. When you get to a gray space (between words) sing through the song again! 

There are 25 letters and 7 blanks. So depending on how many kiddos you have in Primary you can also add letting whichever child it randomly lands on when you get to the grey space gets to lead the song (with a friend if they are shy).

I Hope They Call me on a Mission Around the World game singing time idea

Show the kids the list at the end (or bring it out early if they need help!) and awe them with how many different missions there are! Ask the kids where is somewhere they would like to go on a mission to?

I Hope They Call me on a Mission Around the World game singing time idea

Alternate Ways to Play Around the World

Adaptation for Junior Primary: You can whisper a mission into the littlest helpers’ ears and let them name the mission out loud! Or you can let a child hold up a picture of a picture that represents a variety of missions instead of naming specific missions.

Shorter version: Just spell Mission with 7 helpers. I’ve included seven locations that start with M-I-S-S-I-O-N with their flags.  

I Hope They Call me on a Mission Around the World game singing time idea

Word Actions: Each time you finish a word, just before singing the song through again, add a fun action for the word you finished. Stack them up until you have 8 fun *simple* actions for the first line of the song!

  • A possible pattern could be: Clap – Pat Lap – Clap – Pat Lap – Clap – Stomp – Stomp – Spin
Hello song foreign language cheat sheet fun ways to say hi in different languages

I just can’t share this fun singing time activity using flags without mentioning my cute printables for the Hello Song to add other languages!

I Hope They Call me on a Mission Around the World Printable Game Song Helps

This fun printable lesson plan includes a 1-page guide for how to use this activity in Singing Time, including the fun extension activities I’ve come up with.

Then, there are a few fun assets you can print as visuals, depending on how you’ll play the game in your Primary. There’s a list of missions and a fun bold title to post with the lists.

I Hope They Call me on a Mission Around the World game singing time idea

There’s a 4-page poster that can be put up on the board to help direct the Around the World game with built in singing breaks!

And, you’ll also find a set of flags for places spelling M-I-S-S-I-O-N!

I Hope They Call me on a Mission Around the World game singing time idea

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

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Next, visit this post to for another fun way to teach I Hope They Call Me on a Mission with 2 Sand Block Patterns!

I Hope They Call on a Mission Sand Blocks fun singing time idea for LDS Primary music leaders to follow along with the underlying piano track and the melody with these 2 unique patterns for teaching this song!

What other fun ideas do you have to expand on this I Hope They Call me on a Mission Around the World game? What was your Primary’s favorite part of this singing time idea?

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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