Learn the phrase, “He Lives” in 8 different languages during singing time to review I Know That My Redeemer Lives!
Use this I Know That My Redeemer Lives Foreign Languages word representations activity to get in lots of repetition while learning some new languages!
* See all I Know That My Redeemer Lives Singing Time *

I Know That My Redeemer Lives Foreign Languages
Look up the phrase, “He lives” in several different languages. I checked a few different sources for the most accurate pronunciations that I could find.
Before I begin, I want to put out a *disclaimer* that I am not fluent in any of the languages included below. In searching for these translations, I looked to several different sources, including people I knew who spoke these languages.
If any of the pronunciations or translations are incorrect, please feel free to kindly share tips for pronunciations in the comments for other music leaders to see. We are all just doing our best to create meaningful, fun experiences for our primary kids.
The Gospel Library app translates this song into several different languages. I recommend checking out the song in the versions below. This song is not included in every language, so you may also have to refer to Google Translate to learn some of the pronunciations.

At the beginning of primary, start by reviewing the first verse of I Know That My Redeemer Lives using our flipchart.
Then, tell the kids that you’ll be learning a small part of this song in a few different languages in primary! You might ask if any of the primary children speak multiple languages. Remind the children to be respectful as they are learning languages that are unfamiliar to them.
Post one of the foreign language cards on the board. Demonstrate the phrase, then have the kids repeat after you. Then, sing through the song again.
Go through each language and have the primary kids practice saying the phrase. If the kids are comfortable with the pronunciation, try singing the phrase in a different language.

“He Lives” in 8 Different Languages:
As I mentioned before, you can find different translations of this song in a few different places, so be sure to practice before you teach your primary kids! If you know individuals in your ward who speak any of these languages, you might also ask them for help!
French: Il Vit
Spanish: Él Vive
German: Er lebt
Portugese: Ele Vive
Italian: Egli Vive (Gl makes a Y sound)
Japanese: Omo wa ikite
Swedish: Han lever
American Sign Language: Start by raising your palm (palm facing the body). Then, make two thumbs up and raise near your chest. You’ll touch near your stomach, then again near your chest. This sign language video for the song was a great help to me!

I Know That My Redeemer Lives Foreign Languages Demo Video
Watch this short demo video to hear my pronunciation of “He Lives” in 8 different languages. In this video, I provide some tips for finding translations and pronunciations for these phrases.
–> I Know That My Redeemer Lives Foreign Languages Demo Video <–
Extension Activities:
- Learn the entire song in a different language! There are several videos that teach this song in American Sign Language. You can also learn this beautiful version that includes the song in both English and Spanish.
- Ask your ward members to see if any speak a different language. Invite them to come teach a portion of the song in a different language. You might also consider inviting missionaries who speak multiple languages.
- Write the languages included on one side of the board and the phrases on the other side. See if the kids can correctly match each phrase to its language.
For another fun similar activity, head over to see this Jesus Once Was a Little Child Foreign Language singing time activity!
I Know That My Redemeer Lives Foreign Languages Printable Song Helps
This free in-post printable includes 8 foreign language cards in 1/4 page size across 2 pages. Print and cut out each card individually or post one page at a time!

Join INSTANT Primary Singing for extended printables including a printable lesson plan and full page foreign language cards. You’ll find these bonus files included when I Know That My Redeemer Lives hymn is the featured song of the month.
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For a fun way to add movement with purpose while teaching this song, head over to this I Know That My Redeemer Lives Maori Sticks.
What other fun ways will you use this singing time activity in your Primary room?